I've seen new drivers act better then most experiensed ones and some really good drivers wreck on purpose. It is the effort that counts if a racer choses to race clean he will be clean no matter the skill. This you cannot teach. It can be forced, but that is just too much work.
I personlay don't agree with the purposed idea of having to do a driving test in order to join online. As said earlier, experiensed/good drivers would die of borredome.
Instead, why not have some servers(in addition to what we have today) that recquire one to register online, at liveforspeed.net. This way only those who chose to expend the effort of going through the registration can do, and one is recquired to answer an email confirmation to complete the registration,right?(Don't recallexactly, if not then there is a weakness in my idea)
This way, banning is done to the registered name, lappers have one name in them for each user, and getting a new username is much more pain then to just change your nick and/or change ip.
Sure there will still be new players who join those servers, but not as many and surelly more managable by admins.
In order not to interupt this 'profound "n00b" indentification how to' go ahead and answer in
this thread instead, or here, I don't care. Just don't want to hijack this thread.
I bring this up in this thread in hopes for more people to see the idea. So that the idea can be buchered.
I don't see anything bad with it, perhaps it's not possible to implement. Developers probably know.
Edit: Yes, fo cource I missunderstand the thread... you're not talking about demo servers. Oopsie. Sorry for me ignorance. =) Well... apply my idea to demo. As for licensed servers: how can you measure the effort a racer will put to keeping clean? Joining clans/teams? I always thought that just having a permament licensed name is enough. But I hang around in the demo serves too much to know for sure.