When I first switch on my computer, my DFP turns from lock to lock(2 1/2 turns each way I think) then it turns 90 degrees left, then 180 degrees right, then back to centre. I presume this is normal, but what follows is not.
I am in a race, I exit the pits, turn left, the wheels stops working, it switches off completely, then it does exactly what I outlined above, it eventually centers itself again, then the lights go off. It does this AGAIN, sometimes it does it anywhere up to 4 times, this can happen as soon as I join a game, or 100 yards infront of the finish line on the last lap.
I can honestly say that my DFP ownership thus far has been absolutely shit, it caused my computer to blue screen the very first time I tried to use it, it resets 3-4 times every hour or so, its just so ****ing annoying.
If ANYBODY else has this problem please help me, i've tried the logitech support site, but the DFP is not listed in the dropdown boxes for the steering wheels.