The online racing simulator
pfffff, Button so close.. well atleast this race wasnt boring Grats to Red Bull for double win.

What was Vettel screaming in beginning, PeTa PeTa PeTa?
Was a decent race. At least the 5 laps I watched. When Hamilton stopped and the last 4 laps. Good job from Red Bull.

- Kobayashi!!!!!! (didn't think he would repeat, but he did!)

- Nice battle at the end between Button and Webber.

- Really unfortunate retirement for Hamilton.

- That is a BEAUTIFUL venue. Awesome facilities to look at.
Well atleast the last 3 laps were somehow interesting

Congrats to Vettel and Red Bull. Another 1-2. Good drives

Bring on 2010!
the race was very dull other than the last 10 laps. Great stuff from Button and Webber. That's how Formula One should be. But you can tell the overtaking group still got a lot work to do. Button was losing so much grip behind Webber.

Kobayashi is probably the most impressive rookie I've seen this year. Obviously much better than the other rookies on the grid.
Martin got it half right when he said donuts should be mandatory. Swearing should be mandatory as well!!!

Go Jenson!
Good race, not great but good

Not boring, but would like to see some more overtakings

Thank you Tilke for a nice nap..
Quote from Boris Lozac :
Thank you Tilke for a nice nap..

You missed last 3 laps.

But I agree, track is utter crap.
Hahaha, i love Vettel's negative attitude to the KERS button ;D

"Push the special button" "And he dissapears in the distance"
Quote from zeugnimod :I hope you aren't serious.

Well for me, havent watched F1 race in 2 months so i keep my opinion
THe season is over more racing till March. It will take some time for this to really hit me...Do you have a beer, TVE?
Quote from Mattesa :That is a BEAUTIFUL venue. Awesome facilities to look at.

youre kidding right?
Quote from Shotglass :youre kidding right?

Why is he kidding? It is a beautiful venue with awesome facilities and it's stunning to look at.

Good job the venue is so good to look at because the the track itself is utter shite Apart from lap 1 and the last 4 laps the most interesting thing to look at was the lights on the hotel changing color. What a disappointing end to the season.

Why the hell do all these new tracks keep getting that twat Tilke to design them? I cant think of one of his circuits that are good for racing F1 cars. (apart from Turkey perhaps)

Whilst the aero of the cars still needs looking at to help promote more overtaking, tracks such as Interlagos still continue to provide exciting races with plenty of overtaking year in year out. Tilke needs to pull his head out of his arse and work out why some tracks can still provide a spectacle each year and none of his do. Racing on Tilke tracks is a guarantee of a nice Sunday afternoon snooze for me.
Seriously why do you pricks even bother to sit your mardy arses on your sofa infront of your TV if you say it is always a boring race, the race was fantastic, even my girlfriend was entertained for the whole duration. I think you people should stop posting here, and consider maybe that you don't like F1 at all. It was a fantastic race and the Gilles Villeneuve VS Réné Arnoux last lap Dijon replica scrap was intense. To me, even the last laps alone make the whole of the GP worth watching, if those last laps mean still that the WHOLE race was boring then you needn't consider yourself a fan of F1 at all. You people post here every race just to add that it was a boring race and that you fell asleep yet you watch every race of the F1 calendar? You people make no sense, continuity tells you that if the last 15races were boring to you the chances are the next race you watch will be boring to you too. Then again, for people who think exciting races are boring, you obviously don't know anything other than mundane linearity.
Just found a sneak peak pic of the Tilke's new track!

If you want to find a reason for the majority of the race being boring it's surely down to Hamilton having to retire. I was looking forward to watching him trying to keep the Red Bulls behind him. The circuit ain't much of a drivers track, but it's certainly not a bad circuit in terms of overtaking / racing opportunities. TBH I agree with Blueflame on this one, a race doesn't need a million overtaking manouvers to be interesting for ****s sake.
I found the whole thing interesting, as always. I say this every race and never really justify myself, because I don't really feel the need to. F1 has tension, and always that degree of uncertainty. The commentators keep it interesting with insights and interviews with other drivers, and the pit lane reporters keep us abreast with everything that's happening. It isn't just about the racing; it's about the whole picture, the little moments, seeing the drivers pushing to the limit even when they're alone on the track.

I have to say that, this year, the TV director from the World Feed has done, overall, a fantastic job with plenty of interesting camera angles and on-board shots, giving every track a unique feel. And a big WOW at that moment when they paused the replay to show a virtual fly-through of T1 with all of the cars there. That was simply awesome!
Quote from EliteAti :What was Vettel screaming in beginning, PeTa PeTa PeTa?

Vettel reminds me of a border collie, like if he doesn't get to go for a long run he goes a bit mental and starts chasing shadows and shiny things, anything exciting happens and he started barking nonsense down the radio like a lunatic.

I bet they have to give him an injection to get him to sleep on race weekends.

I liked the podium today, three likeable drivers. And Barrichello fourth. Can't argue with that.
Fantastic race. Super setting (the colour changing Hotel is a pretty stunning bit of work in itself, as is Ferrari World's building). Some really really great bits of track - off camber chicanes, several passing places, and some really difficult sections. Not a huge fan of the pitlane exit as it stands, it's just a bit too tight. Maybe keep the concept (underground, no run off, but make the corners a bit less tight so the cars can attack them a bit more).

The twilight/night setting doesn't do anything for me, other than lighting the cars particularly beautifully and getting the race on at the 'usual' time, but I don't think it makes it any better.

Congrats to Jenson on fighting until the last, for Webber for keeping him behind, and to Seb for making it look easy. Roll on 2010.

Superb season. Edge of the seat stuff all the way through.
I can try draw a map with good overtakings.

Edit: Released
Attached images
A ubernice map drawed by arox y0.JPG
Quote from The Moose :Why is he kidding? It is a beautiful venue with awesome facilities and it's stunning to look at.

who gives a damn about the facilities if the track is a turd? how is that a highlight?
has f1 sunk so low that we consider looking at a hotel in the moddle of sodding nowhere for 2 hours a highlight?

i sincerely hope kimi kills bernie once he realises that hes forced to celebrate the end of the season without alcohol

if you like me refused to look at the pictures of the hotel which was shown whenever even the director couldnt be bothered to watch the race they could as far as im concerend have held the race at paul ricard and i wouldnt even have known the difference
also that would have had the advantage of better food french whine and grid girld who are allowed to expose their ankles ... photo/01112009121804.html

also i think the hotel looks like a cock and balls with a condom

Quote from Mp3 Astra :And a big WOW at that moment when they paused the replay to show a virtual fly-through of T1 with all of the cars there. That was simply awesome!

ill quote myself if i may
[14:14:28] <shot> yeah its even more exciting if the cars arent moving
When I turned on TV this Sunday first time since F1 in Abu Dhabi started, I was like wtf we jumped into 2020. Very modern track... Some of those TV shots kind of reminded me Trackmania Nations, dunno why, though. Just a personal feeling.
Quote from aroX123 :I can try draw a map with good overtakings.

Edit: Released

That reminds me of Jarama

Quote from Mysho :When I turned on TV this Sunday first time since F1 in Abu Dhabi started, I was like wtf we jumped into 2020. Very modern track... Some of those TV shots kind of reminded me Trackmania Nations, dunno why, though. Just a personal feeling.

Hehehe yes, now that you mention it, I have this feeling aswell.