Special thank's
The original program was written by MonkOnHotTinRoof. I had his permission to maintain and develop it because it stopped the development. Thank's a lot Monkter for your initial prog

Dev Team
Gai-Luron : Official Coder
Bass-Driver: Support & Coder
LakynVonLegendaus: Support & Coder
Yisc[NL] : Support & Script Coder
Sinanju: Support
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
LFSLapper Development Subforum : Help, Request, Bugs, Scripts
LFSLapper's Manual (Work in progress)
LFSLapper will work for both Demo and Licensed hosts and can be used also for single player games.
Will also work on dedicated servers and Linux OS (Mono required).
- Runs on Windows using .NET, or on Linux with Mono
- Written in Microsoft C#.
- Source is available under GNU license.
- Multi-threaded: A single LFS Lapper instance can manage multiple LFS servers.
- Able to reload the configuration without leaving LFS.
- Connection to LFS server using UDP or TCP.
- Uses the SQLite 3 database for easy data management
- Complete scripting language (GLScript) to develop your own scripts and events
- Management of events triggered by LFS
- Event Timer for Delayed Effects
- Logic tests (IF/ELSE, CASE/SWITCH)
- Global or local variable scope
- Able to call internal LFSLapper functions
- Call script sub-functions
- Easy to use LFS buttons. Multiple buttons on the screen. Fully configurable
- Buttons can auto-close on Timer and generate actions
- Blinking Buttons
- Management of events triggered by LFS
- Easy to include other custom modules or scripts
- Automatic detection of program crashes
- Automatic restart
- Notification by e-mail on crash.
- Complete management of log files for easy debugging of your scripts.
- Create qualification user groups using external files or configuration file
- Hotlaps or drift mode
- Store lap PBs in Grip (Hotlap) or drift mode
- Can calculate PB by an average of 1 to 10 laps
- Calculate and store points in drift mode.
- Top PBs display in LFS.
- Display charts in LFSH (Hottlaps, Drift)
- Event-specific scripts
- View driver PBs from LFS World
- View driver statistics (fuel, km, ...) from LFS World
- Export files via FTP to use or display on websites.
- Call personalized web pages and run the code returned by these pages
- Allows setting the date format for regional support.
- Management of node events (enter/exit custom track locations)
- GLScript allows function calls on Timer.
- Setting permissions on the server according to criteria of lap times by car and circuit.
- Manage lists of swear words
- Manage driver and car handicapping (Car, Car/track, Driver)
- Manage use of driving aids in LFS
- Full vote management of LFS to End Race, Restart Race, Restart Qualification
- Sort race grid relative to PB or WR
- Automatic Car/Track rotation
- Display leading or following times separating the driver from other racers
- Personalized messages on record (WR)
- List qualifying drivers on the server
- Events called on Lapper start, new driver connections, disconnections, leaving pits, split times, enter pits, etc. ...
- Define custom commands to be executed via LFS chat.
- Message flood detection
- Set the maximum number of laps allowed by a racer during a session
- Detects loss of car control (customisable)
- Detects drivers that are too slow
- Detects drivers that are parked on the track
- Displays speed or distance values depending on the unit chosen by the drivers: km / h, km or mph, mp
- Calculates acceleration time
- Configurable pit windows
- Penalty management: Speeding in pit lane. Jumping the start before the green light
- Add/remove autoX objects
- Carcollision detection
- Object collision detection
- Actions buttons
- ... And much more
- Make sure you have .NET Framework installed (Mono will work, too).
- Extract archive to arbitrary directory.
- please read doc/readme.txt.
Trackinfo maker
Trackinfo maker is an utility who generate a trackInfo.cfg with splitting of wr with your own coefs. I generate the default trackInfo.cfg with this utility
http://cgtavc.monespace.net/la ... wnload/l...ackinfo1.4.zip
Clean SPB
CleanSPB.exe is an utility who clean all spb on PB file
http://cgtavc.monespace.net/la ... nload/lapper/CleanSPB.rar
PBLFSLapperPHPViewer By Gai-Luron
http://cgtavc.monespace.net/la ... wnload/l...PViewer1.0.rar
All prog by Gai-Luron
LFSRelax :http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=27913
LFSLapper :http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=25756
LFSStat : http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=24933