The online racing simulator
Is Kid ever allowed back?
(56 posts, started )
If it wasn't over Der Untergang, it might have been funny... The captions were. But it was ruined by being 100% unoriginal. Sorry Kid, try again when you find a movie that hasn't been captioned 800,000,000 times before. Even when it was uploaded it was old.
I only ever heard Kid raging on about how all other sims apart from LFS were tripe. I also remember he wasn't too pleased with the texture stuff Devil007 and I were doing a few years ago when we were just getting started (his comments were the least 'constructively' critical). It seemed like the appeal of Kid was in waiting to see what kind of colourful language he'd invoke next to describe his overwhelming and intense dissapointment with whatever it was he was fixated on at the time.
Quote from Electrik Kar :It seemed like the appeal of Kid was in waiting to see what kind of colourful language he'd invoke next to describe his overwhelming and intense dissapointment with whatever it was he was fixated on at the time.


When it came to LFS he generally did have a clue what he was ranting about though.

He began to move away from the "all other sims are tripe" stance near his implosion though, he saw iRacing coming and publicly called Scawen out a lot shortly before his ban.
Quote from Electrik Kar :I only ever heard Kid raging on about how all other sims apart from LFS were tripe.

Still a true Statement, isn't it ? :hide:
Quote from Ger Roady :Still a true Statement, isn't it ? :hide:

No I'd say it's almost the other way around Almost.
Quote :Still a true Statement, isn't it ?

It doesn't matter whether it's true. It was just a personality thing/approach that I happened to find grating after about the 100th time. It was just negative advertising, ad infinitum.

Is Kid ever allowed back?
(56 posts, started )