The online racing simulator
Virtual LFS Dashboard
(529 posts, closed, started )
Quote from DavidTiger : Hey Guys (mostly logitekg25 )

Here is the smaller (750x600) version of VLFSDash
Download: VLFSD_Small.rar

Here Is the normal (800x600) Version
Download: VLFSD.rar

Max Speed Indicator... Shows your max speed you have gone since VLFSDash started. Can Be Reset to 0 and Can also be turned off in 'Setup'


Ur awesome
Quote from LFSn00b :Hi, this my first time posting in the thread

So i take it as you can run this through lan on other laptop?

Yes, just put ur local IP of the laptop in the cfg.txt, make sure the correct ports are open

Quote from LFSn00b :
Is it possible to turn this program full-screen?

Just press the 'Remove Borders' button, that will remove the borders and make it fit fullscreen
Quote from DavidTiger :Added:
Max Speed Indicator... Shows your max speed you have gone since VLFSDash started. Can Be Reset to 0 and Can also be turned off in 'Setup'

Nice one!
I am at work now and I didn't try your new release, but...I was thinking it could be nice and useful if this new "max speed" indicator was flashing maybe 2-3 times to "inform" you whenever you reach or max again this stop speed...

Sorry if it already does so...
Its really another needle on the dial.
Works like an Medical thermometer, It will go up, but not down unless reset.
Say you go to 40Mph and slow to 30 the max will stay at 40, so then you speed up to 80mph it moves the max needle to 80. etc etc

Im confused by what your asking You want the 'max speed' needle to flash if you reach that speed again?
im installing now

and you are the greatest

Think its a nice idea to add a 'Shift Up' voice/sound... A nice sexy 'Shift Up'
Been looking for a female saying that but meh, Cant find any..
:doh: there is a missing file....was i not suppossed to uninstall the last one
Quote from DavidTiger :
ALSO: From now on all updates will only include the exe and ini, you will need to have installed the full version before

Adding: DO NOT uninstall the older version, but MANUALLY overwrite the exe and ini in "\Program Files\VLFSDash\INC\"

Sorry I hould have re-mentioned that
Attached a sample 'Shift Up' voice, what you think of it? Good Idea to have it say it (optional, can be turned on/off) on the shift light??

Ok, I added the 'ShiftUp' Voice.. See how you like it, Only a test it cant be disabled as yet but I will for the next update
Download: VLFSDash_shift.rar
Attached files
shiftup.mp3 - 4.2 KB - 345 views
:gnasher: im convinced no matter what i do, nothing will ever work with my computer.....same run time error '13' type mis-match

fml :gnasher:

lets see if i did it right...i installed the regular version, pressed yes and next and all of that for the install process, then i got the update, opened up the ini folder, and moved the files, and replaced all of the files, by dragging them in and clicking replace
Hmm, I am puzzled by where the error comes from... It might be an internal variable type that isn't working with other operating systems?

What OS do you use?
32bit or 64bit?
Quote from DavidTiger :...Im confused by what your asking...

I've been out and drinking all night long, so right NOW it's not the best moment to try the new version out...but I trust you

I thought that max speed was a fixed "number" (in digits) somewhere on the screen, but a needle it's more "visible" than that

Tomorrow I'll try it.
Quote from DavidTiger :
What Operating System are you using, the setups automatically install and register the required dll,ocx files. It may be failing when doing so

I am running XP Pro 64 bit. I did try closing all other windows and still no luck installing the software. I re downloaded it but still no luck. The program installs fine until it gets to 40%. this is what file it is stoping at C:\...\MSSTDFMT.DLL not sure if that matters. Thanks

Mike G
windows 7 home premium 64 bit.....i got it working one time on vista home premium 64 bit
Mine is working on Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit and on Windows XP Service Pack 3.
Quote from logitekg25 :windows 7 home premium 64 bit.....i got it working one time on vista home premium 64 bit

hmm, must be something with your computer.. I have tested on XP 64bit, Vista 32 and 64 and windows7 32 and 64.. All working fine

Try this debug version, This will NOT connect to lfs ad it wont try to load any values from the ini. Therfore if it dont error then the ini is the problem, but if there is still an error then I will add more error messages

Download: VLFSD_Debug.rar
(Note: This is only the exe and ini, You will have to replace/overwrite the originals manually in the in the "\Program Files\VLFSDash\INC\" folder...)
Ok. I like it.
Maybe an autoreset when user changes car ?
nice job guys for making this app. i'm using it for about.. hm.. 3minutes? and i love it!!! once i figured out how to set it up, it works with absolutly no problems at all. only thing missing for me now is a small lcd screen- searching the net now

but im wondering, is there any posibility to change the visuals? like change font? colours? maybe even make a copy of real car gauges? i know it's probably a lot of work, but still? maybe add some skins or something?

well anyway, thanks again for making this awesome app. keep up the good work making lfs even better game that it allready is

ps sorry for my english
Quote from Ov3rD0s3 :but im wondering, is there any posibility to change the visuals? like change font? colours?

Uhm you can change quite a lot of colours...

Quote from Ov3rD0s3 :maybe even make a copy of real car gauges?

Well you see, The program uses IOComp VB controls... So adding real car gauges would be hard.. I created an outguage some time ago that used a real dashboard image, and the dials etc from that.. However I cant find it or the source
pretty sure it is working, it has slightly different colors right? the rpm meter at the top is blue and greenish or something if thats it then ya its working
sorry DavidTiger i wrote the post before testing latest version

now that i did a couple of hotlaps with this dash version, im impressed. any plans yet what to do next?
Glad you like it, most credits to Erazotropa for creating the original

I have ran out of ideas of what to add

If anyone has any suggestions, anything they/you would want to see in this post here and I would be happy to see what I can do
Quote from DavidTiger :I have ran out of ideas of what to add...If anyone has any suggestions...

I like this new top speed needle, it's really useful to squeeze all the power out when tuning gears/setups.

I have a couple suggestions:

1) make one "summary" post where you clearly list and link all your latest EXEs (800x600/lower res, "shiftup" voice/no voice, etc...).
I feel they're a bit too scattered down the thread.

2) with one of the latest patches Scawen "switched off" the shift light for road cars. It could be nice, when user selects one of those cars, to have some graphics reminding about it...maybe the same big red shift light dimmed in grey or whatever colour...

From Z25 Scawen's post:
Shift lights removed from all road cars other than RaceAbout
Virtual LFS Dashboard V0.2.3The Virtual Dashboard for Live for Speed!

Works with OutGauge, Can be used on you Primary or Secondary monitor.
OR you can use it over a LAN on a second Laptop/PC!

Works best in 800x600 screen resolution.

Whats New in v0.2.3?

* Updated for Z25 and above *
* Variable Max Dial RPM for each car *
* New Dashboard Lights *
* Keyboard (NumLock, ScrollLock) LED Turn Signals *
* Turn signal Click Sounds *
* Top Speed Needle (See your top speed in each car) *
* Shift Up Indicator will work in all cars, Yes ALL cars (if enabled) *
* New "Shift Up" Voice for all cars *

Latest Downloads:
>>>Normal (800x600)<<<
VLFSDash0.2.3 Full Installer
VLFSDash0.2.3 EXE & INI only
VLFSDash0.2.3 Changed Layout
VLFSDash0.2.3 Full Installer
VLFSDash0.2.3 EXE & INI only
VLFSDash0.2.3 Changed Layout
>>>Smaller (750x600)<<<
VLFSDash0.2.3 Full Installer
VLFSDash0.2.3 EXE & INI only
VLFSDash0.2.3 Full Installer
VLFSDash0.2.3 EXE & INI only
(Please Don't Post Mirrors, Try To Keep All Downloads To This Post)
(PM Me Your Mirror Downloads, And I Will Add Them)

Sorry about the double post but Its better if the above post stays intact and entirely for downloads...
I added a working Shift Light to the roadcars.. Based on RPM
Also 'Greyed Out' The Shift light if the 'RoadCar ShiftLights' is disabled (suggested)

I have made it so that all optional features can be turned on/off... Saves multiple vesions

See Above Post For Downloads & ALL Future Downloads

This thread is closed

Virtual LFS Dashboard
(529 posts, closed, started )