Hey guys,i'm planning to sell my 55-250 IS and buying a 70-200 2.8 EX HSM(just that) Sigma.
Does anyone here have this lens or knows anyone who shoots with it?
I know it should be pretty good,at least compared to my canon telezoom,but im still trying to figure out what version should i look for.
I surely want it to be second hand,because there is no way i can get one new(prices start at 550 €).
Back in May i had the opportunity to buy one for 280€ but i didn't have the money to conclude the deal so i gave up.
Help me,is it a good lens?Since i found nothing about it on the internet im quite suspicious,and,after all,sigma isn't very famous for being reliable,isn't it?
Sooooo,suggestions,questions,anything,but help me not waste my precious money