The online racing simulator
LFS Replay Analyser 1.1
(226 posts, started )
Thanks for the info Windsa do you know of a tool that outputs RPM data from an MPR file?
Quote from anttt69 :do you know of a tool that outputs RPM data from an MPR file?

I don't think there is any. The format of an MPR file is not public (except for the header), and LFS has no facility to output the data.

It should be possible to make your own program, though. There are two tools that can read an MPR file, LFSPoints and MPR2UBB. Perhaps the creators of those tools can tell you where to look in the MPR for RPM data.
Quote from miura909 :I read about a guy using Bosch LAPSIM with lfs and thought I'd give it a try, he used f1perview to generate the .csv file but it seems that you can only generate single channel csv's from Replay analyser... is it so?

There are two types of CSV exports from LRA:
  • One is available from the context menu of a graph. It contains the single channel that is in the graph, for all RAF files that have been loaded.
  • The other is available from the context menu of the "Legend" pane. (The mouse pointer must be over the name of a file.) It contains all channels, and for all wheels, of that file.
For LapSim you should use the latter. The LapSim manual says that the file must contain at least the lateral and longitudinal G, and a wheel speed. Those are all in the file, so it ought to work. Send me a PM if you encounter any problems.

Thank you for this fantastic addon. It´s a wonderful tool for everyone who wants to develop his driving. Thank you once more for helping us solve difficulties related to the addon.
Hy guys!

I'm relatively new is LFS, but a love this programe
I have a question now (sorry if anyone posted it later) : Is the LFS Replay Analizer 0.9 compatible with the version S2 Z?

Thanks for the help, and have nice races for everybody!
Yes, it should work perfectly. The file formats used by this program have not changed.
Thanks man! Now i go to download it
I've noticed that in the setup properties area there is an average temp of the tires, does this mean you can get the tire temp values out of the raf file? If so, would it be possible to add those data types (inside, middle and outside layer and maybe the math channel for the average)? And would those be the regular F9 temps inside the tire or the surface temps you can get by holding ctrl+shift?

One more thing, can you have graphs but with more data channels on each one? For example to have the brake and throttle channels on the same graph? Like in real telemetry softwares, that'd be a great addon.
Got a general nab q. From reading this thread I gathered that "slip ratio" is the longitudinal slip of a wheel. So I got confused about what "slip angle" is. It can't be the lateral slip angle of a wheel, because you can't select a wheel. What's slipping in relation to what? I tried to have a look at the RAF file spec but I didn't find an answer I'd understand. Is it the rear vs front slip angle?
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Got a general nab q. From reading this thread I gathered that "slip ratio" is the longitudinal slip of a wheel. So I got confused about what "slip angle" is. It can't be the lateral slip angle of a wheel, because you can't select a wheel. What's slipping in relation to what? I tried to have a look at the RAF file spec but I didn't find an answer I'd understand. Is it the rear vs front slip angle? ... d_handling/slip_angle.htm
So you're implying that all tyres have the same slip angle at any given moment?

I'm asking why is LRA able to show the slip angle of one tyre, but not the 3 others'. This doesn't make sense to me.

edit: I'll just go ahead and tell myself to RTMFM. It has nothing to do with tyre contact patches specifically.
Quote from manual.html :Slip angle The angle between the direction of movement and the direction that the car's nose is pointing in (in degrees).

Quote from NotAnIllusion :So you're implying that all tyres have the same slip angle at any given moment?

I'm asking why is LRA able to show the slip angle of one tyre, but not the 3 others'. This doesn't make sense to me.

Sorry, I didn't read the full post

Anyway, here's the correct answer (from the Manual (Help -> Manual)):

Quote from LRA :Slip angle - The angle between the direction of movement and the direction that the car's nose is pointing in (in degrees).

Yeah just saw, edited mine before you posted. Thanks
Quote from scipy :I've noticed that in the setup properties area there is an average temp of the tires, does this mean you can get the tire temp values out of the raf file?

No, not really. The RAF file only contains one temperature per wheel, and judging from the values it's something like the core temperature of the tyre, perhaps of the air inside it. It's an integer value, so you see very little variation in it during a lap. I can't see much use for it in analysing, but since it's in the file I figured I should display it somewhere. The detailed temp info that you find inside LFS is absent from the RAF file.
Quote :One more thing, can you have graphs but with more data channels on each one? For example to have the brake and throttle channels on the same graph? Like in real telemetry softwares, that'd be a great addon.

That would require a rewrite of a large part of LRA. On the plus side, LRA's approach allows you to plot more than 2 laps in the same graph (unlike Motec, IIRC), so it's easier to compare several laps.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :I'll just go ahead and tell myself to RTMFM. It has nothing to do with tyre contact patches specifically.

Yup. It's one value for the whole car, and it's more like a drifting angle or so.

I have been thinking about a real slip angle, but could not find a way to calculate it from the RAF data.
You can have as many laps as u want in one graph with motec and any other software (AIM race studio etc). Get started on that "large rewrite" it'd be the best improvement for now (to see exact transitions from brake to throttle, lateral g to longitudinal g etc).
Quote from scipy :You can have as many laps as u want in one graph with motec and any other software (AIM race studio etc). Get started on that "large rewrite" it'd be the best improvement for now (to see exact transitions from brake to throttle, lateral g to longitudinal g etc).

The cursor/crosshair in LRA also enables you to see the transitions, I think.

If you take a look at my race stats on LFSW you'll see why I'm reluctant to spend a lot of time rewriting LRA. But it's open source, anyone can have a go at improving the program.
Is the racing line supposed to come up automatically along with the track map and stuff. because mine dosn't and i cant find out how to add it
Quote from sk8line69 :Is the racing line supposed to come up automatically along with the track map and stuff. because mine dosn't and i cant find out how to add it

It isn't shown automatically, but pressing F7 will show it. (Or from the menu: File -> Panes -> Driving line.) Press F7 again to hide it.
Ah thank you. I needed that
"Steer - Steering input (in degrees)...
Wheel angle - Steering angle of the wheel (in degrees), including Ackermann and toe."

1. Why the minimum step of a change in the angle of rotation of steering wheel is equal approximately to the angle of rotation of wheels (Avr Front)? Gear ratio from steering control to the wheels for GTR for example 540/24=22.5.
2. The design accuracy of the fixation of the angle of rotation of the steering wheel G25 is equal to 0.1 degree. Why the minimum step of a change in the parameter of Steer on the telemetry of 0.03 degrees? (speedreduce 0, reducehalf 50, Wheel Turn Compensation 0).
Quote from aIM BLR :1. Why the minimum step of a change in the angle of rotation of steering wheel is equal approximately to the angle of rotation of wheels (Avr Front)?

I think the steering info in the file is precisely that: the average angle that the front wheels have turned. It doesn't say anything about the angle that your racing wheel has turned. (That would not be very useful: wheels don't have the same maximum angle, and a mouse is different from a wheel.)
Quote : 2. The design accuracy of the fixation of the angle of rotation of the steering wheel G25 is equal to 0.1 degree. Why the minimum step of a change in the parameter of Steer on the telemetry of 0.03 degrees

That would be for Scawen to answer. LRA just displays what LFS wrote in the RAF file. The steering angle is stored as a single-precision floating point number, so that offers a higher resolution. This 0.03 degree could be a consequence of Scawen design choices for the physics model.
Thanks for the answers.
Does mean data of type Steer this not there is an angle of rotation of steering wheel? The fact is that it is not important what in you controller of Mouse or of Steering Wheel. Of the point of view of the formation of data for LFS they are identical. There is displacement of Steering Wheel in the preset angle and there is displacement of Mouse up to the specific distance, which is also equal to the angle of rotation of steering wheel already in LFS. Difference between data type Steer and data type Wheel angle in the presence of Ackermann and toe?
Quote from aIM BLR :Difference between data type Steer and data type Wheel angle in the presence of Ackermann and toe?

Your English is a bit hard to read, but yes, they are identical except for the Ackerman and toe.
Version 1.0
I have made a new version of LRA, with an important new feature: The possibility to download RAF and SPR files from LFS World.

When you start the "Open file" dialog, you now see two tabs (see screenshot). One is the existing list of RAF files on your PC, the other lists the hotlaps on LFSW. To list the files, LRA must pass your LFSW ident-key, which you can create on this LFSW page. When you select one of the files in the list, LRA downloads the RAF file and load it.

The SPR replay of the hotlap can be downloaded by right-clicking on a loaded file in the "Legend" pane. Select "Download and View replay" from the context menu. After downloading, LRA will start up LFS to run the replay. (If the replay is already present in you local SPR folder, the context menu just says "View replay".)

Other changes:
  • Can read the list of cars and tracks from a configuration file. (So the release of the Scirocco doesn't require a new release of LRA.)
  • Properties pane shows sampling frequency of file. (RAF files from LFS World have 10Hz, RAF files you created in LFS have 100Hz.)
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Amazing stuff! Thank you very very much! Very useful tool!
Thanx again!

LFS Replay Analyser 1.1
(226 posts, started )