Hi dear folks 
I'm new here in Forum, And i've searched for this problem, but i didn't found anything, if it is a EASY correction, please don't start killing me because of that, i'm new :P
Well, When i enter in a Server, i play normally, but with 5 or 6 seconds, breaks, isn't Low Fps, it is just a simple break, but annoying...
Continue playing, after some time, i start lagging like hell :| i see everyone like ' Latency ' , and i can't play with that, because i " Fck " all the server xD .
I have tried to reinstall the LFS, but still.
Scan For Virus, Still.
I Have Z28, Windows Xp, HD4850 512mb, E8400 3.0, and 6mbps Internet, this only happen in LFS ! But, Sometime before, it was everything okey...
Someone can help me with this?
And Please don't comment with " Format C:/ "
Thanks []

I'm new here in Forum, And i've searched for this problem, but i didn't found anything, if it is a EASY correction, please don't start killing me because of that, i'm new :P
Well, When i enter in a Server, i play normally, but with 5 or 6 seconds, breaks, isn't Low Fps, it is just a simple break, but annoying...
Continue playing, after some time, i start lagging like hell :| i see everyone like ' Latency ' , and i can't play with that, because i " Fck " all the server xD .
I have tried to reinstall the LFS, but still.
Scan For Virus, Still.
I Have Z28, Windows Xp, HD4850 512mb, E8400 3.0, and 6mbps Internet, this only happen in LFS ! But, Sometime before, it was everything okey...
Someone can help me with this?
And Please don't comment with " Format C:/ "
Thanks []