One question i found interesting. Do you think it's possible to beat WR's if your driving style is just different? I'm not beeing clear, sorry.. what i mean is, that whenever i watch WR's (doesn't matter, LFS, GT5..) it always seems like a wierd driving style, like, real driver would never drive like that. Do you think it's possible to beat WR's without completely changing your driving style and your understanding of how a car should be driven fast?
Right now i think my limit with the tuned 370 is 1.36.5xx. I would loose 2 liters in order to acomplish a lap like that, but i just can't see how could i squeeze another half a second beyond that.
It iritates me that i know it's possible, but i would have to 'stop being me' in order to do it

If anyone understood anything, they can have a cookie