TC is stuck on here with G25 too, I don't think you can disable it with the street car in the demo no matter which controller you have.
Quote from funRacer[83] :you can´t turn it off, the game does it.

You use wheel --> TC = off
You use gamepad --> TC = on

As said you can see the settings if you are under the first 250 of your country on the website, or ingame.

Stop being a smarta**, you can only turn off the TC on the tuned version.
Quote from Gills4life :Nope. I use a wheel and the TC is stuck on at 7 for the stock 370z.

Quote from dougie-lampkin :Nope, just plugged in my G25, traction control still stuck at 7

Quote from Matrixi :TC is stuck on here with G25 too, I don't think you can disable it with the street car in the demo no matter which controller you have.

Under settings in the Game it´s always grey and on 7! You can´t change it!

But the game checks if you use a Wheel or a Gamepad, and if you use a Wheel under the settings you still see TC on 7 but it is off you can check it on the official ranking --> ... king/?board=2&area=61

With Gamepad:

With Wheel:
It's a bug probably.. you just can't disable it in-game.
I never said that you can change it ingame, I said it looks like the game itself checks if you use a wheel or gamepad and then turns tc off or on.
There is clearly traction control in the stock nissan when using a wheel (g25). It's really a bug in the leaderboard results i think.
When I was using the G25 TC was disabled.... you could wheelspin and donut and whatever you like without it kicking in. It still said it was on 7 in the options, but by using G25 it was definitely off for me.
Quote from Michael Denham :When I was using the G25 TC was disabled.... you could wheelspin and donut and whatever you like without it kicking in. It still said it was on 7 in the options, but by using G25 it was definitely off for me.

Exactly. I tried it again by myself and there is definitely a difference between playing with gamepad and wheel. Just look on the right bar that shows the throttle, at first I drive with Gamepad and after driving backwards in the video I plugged the wheel in and do some more testing with the wheel. I am the whole time with full throttle with gamepad and with wheel but with the gamepad you see on the top of the bar the red color when tc kicks in.

For the video shifting was set to automatic
Quote from funRacer[83] :Exactly. I tried it again by myself and there is definitely a difference between playing with gamepad and wheel. Just look on the right bar that shows the throttle, at first I drive with Gamepad and after driving backwards in the video I plugged the wheel in and do some more testing with the wheel. I am the whole time with full throttle with gamepad and with wheel but with the gamepad you see on the top of the bar the red color when tc kicks in.

For the video shifting was set to automatic

Hmm I guess you were right! Sorry about that. To be honest I haven't paid the stock 370z much attention. I just remember it not letting me change the TC setting at all. The thing that I don't understand is that if it automatically switches it off, how are you able to drive with the TC on with a wheel?
One question i found interesting. Do you think it's possible to beat WR's if your driving style is just different? I'm not beeing clear, sorry.. what i mean is, that whenever i watch WR's (doesn't matter, LFS, GT5..) it always seems like a wierd driving style, like, real driver would never drive like that. Do you think it's possible to beat WR's without completely changing your driving style and your understanding of how a car should be driven fast?
Right now i think my limit with the tuned 370 is 1.36.5xx. I would loose 2 liters in order to acomplish a lap like that, but i just can't see how could i squeeze another half a second beyond that.
It iritates me that i know it's possible, but i would have to 'stop being me' in order to do it If anyone understood anything, they can have a cookie
Quote from Gills4life :The thing that I don't understand is that if it automatically switches it off, how are you able to drive with the TC on with a wheel?

When you plug in the wheel TC gets set to off in the stock 370z. You can for example start the race with wheel TC = off, then just plug the wheel out and TC=on, plug the wheel back in TC=off and all that without leaving the race.
BTW I didn't make that video, it was posted by someone else....

Anyway he and I do have concerns with how the car reacts, especially with respect to drifting and such. The donut issue is part and parcel of that. This tells me the physics engine is canned and not modelled so emergent behaviour occurs. Just by how it drives and the lack of intuitive control and feedback backs that up IMO

In other words GT5 may have "scripts" that determine how a car behaves. If you ever play a script driven game or AI you will know how that works. Whereas a proper modelled physics engine might work more like a sandbox game/environment. The parameters and limits are loosely set, but whatever happens inside the sandbox is a lot more varied
Quote from Boris Lozac :It's a bug probably.. you just can't disable it in-game.

Stop being mean to funracer, leave your Serbian and Montenegrin differences ASIDE!
lol, i haven't even noticed that's Montenegrian flag, and our countries don't have that kind of differences
Quote from Boris Lozac :lol, i haven't even noticed that's Montenegrian flag, and our countries don't have that kind of differences

Tell that the people who lost their lives to land mines
Quote from BlueFlame :Tell that the people who lost their lives to land mines

Why do you say things like that when you have no idea of what you're talking about? Serbia and Montengro have never been in a war.
Quote from Boris Lozac :Why do you say things like that when you have no idea of what you're talking about? Serbia and Montengro have never been in a war.

It's on the movies, so it's gotta be real. And if there was never a problem, why are the countries now separated? I've heard about the Serbian and Montenegrin gangs that go mental over it.
Quote from BlueFlame :It's on the movies, so it's gotta be real. And if there was never a problem, why are the countries now separated? I've heard about the Serbian and Montenegrin gangs that go mental over it.

When Montenegro left Serbia the Milosevic regime had already lost its power so good for us all there was no war. That what you are talking about is I think Bosnia there happened cruel things murder, torture and expulsion..

Quote from funRacer[83] :When Montenegro left Serbia the Milosevic regime had already lost its power so good for us all there was no war. That what you are talking about is I think Bosnia there happened cruel things murder, torture and expulsion..

My bad, you're right, but I'm sure I've seen gangs in S&M fighting for Montenegro and shit
Quote from BlueFlame :It's on the movies, so it's gotta be real.

quoted for incredible idiocy
I thought this was a thread for a ps3 driving game?
Quote from funRacer[83] :that is fast, I am still @1:39.0

Not anymore: 1:37.9 and there is still room for improvement, made some mistakes.
I want my PS3 already, waaa!

Gran Turismo 5
(7732 posts, started )