The online racing simulator
Awesome little physics based game
(312 posts, started )
Quote from Matrixi :Pretty nice, having a bit trouble at 'E' currently.

*** SPOILER*** (ctrl-a to show hint "hidden" below)

remember spiral?
hmm, no, thats one of the levels i've not managed to crack yet...
ok, well, when you look at spiral you kind of get a hunch of what youre supposed to do, right?

*** SPOILER ***

have you noticed what happens if you play around with tensioned rubber?
you can launch the armadillo with it, and if you shoot it to the right, you need some kind of loop, or spiral if you wish, to guide it to the right place.
Ah, got it, thanks. Experimented with tensioned rubber already before but didn't think of the spiral.
Attached images demo run.jpg
Quote from micha1980de :482

nice work! though i've seen people reach demo-scores of 700+ (not me though) so keep tweaking and for the registered users who are working on the alphabet level set and want a reference--i just completed it and reached a score of 16016.
Lol, i dont understand B..Need to concentrate a bit more.
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :Lol, i dont understand B..Need to concentrate a bit more.

yeah, i've came up with two quite different ways to do it
Perhaps there is a way to destroy the floor under the armadillo in B..
Quote from Matrixi :Perhaps there is a way to destroy the floor under the armadillo in B..

Dunno how I missed this before, the demo is excellent. Reminds me of a game I used to play as a kid, I think it was called The Incredible Machine. I love games like this and LFS - I have no problem supporting small developers.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :I'm stuck on C... This is embarrassing; I didn't get stuck on any of the game's official levels.

are you stuck at the beginning or the end?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Argh, I thought E was difficult but I'm struggling with F. Tried everything that came in to my mind, anyone got little tips?
Quote from Matrixi :Argh, I thought E was difficult but I'm struggling with F. Tried everything that came in to my mind, anyone got little tips?

i've used tensioned rubber in almost every level in this set. try giving it a push upwards.
Quote from felplacerad :are you stuck at the beginning or the end?

I'm stuck at the beginning.

I'm also stuck on Void 4 (Level 12)
Quote from Leifde :I'm stuck at the beginning.

I'm also stuck on Void 4 (Level 12)

for c, look at my hint for f, for void 4, try the blue stuff.
L is tricky, anyone managed it?
Quote from sinbad :L is tricky, anyone managed it?

yeah ...

if you choose to create a bridge, use diagonal ropes to support it
Really stuck at level 49. Any hints?
Just passed it without help, and really cant find anything on your link but I dont need it enymore so who cares
Quote from Blackout :Really stuck at level 49. Any hints?

I found the cheapest way was by breaking some bits. Other ways by guiding the ball down the shoot worked but I only just had enough money.

EDIT: Doh, just realised I wasn't looking at the last page! Oh well I'll leave it there for anyone else ^^^

EDIT 2: I guess you did it a different way if that link doesn't give you any clues?
the guillotine level is weird, tips? its level 23

Awesome little physics based game
(312 posts, started )