The online racing simulator
I remember an accent related incident that I encountered last summer..

We had this taxi (Fiat Scudo) loaded with crap that we had just cleared out of this house we had near Birmingham. It was slightly too high to fit under the height restriction barrier at the tip, so I got out and asked the guy if he could lift the barrier.

He asked me "Where do you live" he had to say it about 5 times before I could understand him. It was like

Where J'ive
Where dy'ive
Where dyuh'ive
Where do y'live
and finally he had to say WHERE_DO_YOU_LIVE

And by which time I had totally forgotten the address of the house. I felt like such a douchebag
Lithuanian accent.

(No, its not the same as the Russian one....)
Highland Scottish.

Basically I sound Scottish, but unlike the weggie boys down in the borders you can hear and understand what I am saying (unless I'm drunk then I tend to turn either Irish or Welsh....depending upon what I feel like)
People think I'm posh because of my accent.

The fact that I went to a public school might have something to do with it too.
Quote from JO53PHS :I remember an accent related incident that I encountered last summer..

We had this taxi (Fiat Scudo) loaded with crap that we had just cleared out of this house we had near Birmingham. It was slightly too high to fit under the height restriction barrier at the tip, so I got out and asked the guy if he could lift the barrier.

He asked me "Where do you live" he had to say it about 5 times before I could understand him. It was like

Where J'ive
Where dy'ive
Where dyuh'ive
Where do y'live
and finally he had to say WHERE_DO_YOU_LIVE

And by which time I had totally forgotten the address of the house. I felt like such a douchebag

On holiday a few years ago I was talking to an Irish kid who'd said a joke and then said

"Jez Mesenwidjes'

I had to go through a similar thing before I worked out he'd said 'Just messing with you'.
Californian stoner accent here! Duuuuuude.
#33 - 5haz
I have an Essex accent so I sound like Rodney Trotter.

Nah to tell the truth its not that strong, my mates think I'm posh, the really strong saaath Essex accent round 'ere is terrible, most of the girls sound like Stacey off the Xfactor, let me out of here.

Just replace any 'ou' with 'aa' and miss your 't's.

And the cockney accent, or rhyming slang has never existed, it was created to try and impress tourists.

And people from Essex are not cockney, thats West of here, despite what they might tell you.
I have a bit of a Cork accent, I suppose.

Quote from Crashgate3 :On holiday a few years ago I was talking to an Irish kid who'd said a joke and then said

"Jez Mesenwidjes'

I had to go through a similar thing before I worked out he'd said 'Just messing with you'.

Ah, Dublin accent?

Worst in Ireland imo
People automatically assume I'm posh because I'm from Oxford. I guess I have an Oxford accent whatever that is
Ive got a vid of me trying to talk whilst semi laughing but i duno how to upload lol
I can speak Spanish with 3 different accents: canario, aragones and neutral. I can switch between all of them in just 0.000001s. That's because I've lived in many cities around Spain and I get accents quite easily. Now living in Italy I'm starting to get the Torinese accent
or bristolian to some :P
a bit of Chinese and some Aussie accent.

When i speak english, people told me I still have some chinese accent on some particular words. But when I speak chinese to my parents, they told me I got some aussie accent when speaking chinese.
#40 - senn
i have found after working out bush for the last few years, i have more of an "okka drawl" for want of a better term.

kinda sounds like a crow with the elongated A's hehehe
#41 - Migz
I have absolutely no clue what kind of accent i have, an english one?
Plain old english one?
Might record me talking or something and see if you can tell me what accent i have haha.
"Eteläpohjanmaan murre" or "Jalasjärven murre"

includes replacing "d" letter in words with "r" and such.

e.g - tiedot(infos) - tierot
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Ive got a vid of me trying to talk whilst semi laughing but i duno how to upload lol

I love your accent.

I'd say I have a fairly standard American accent that is basically what you hear from the likes of most Hollywood actors who don't have distinctive accents. Except for...
Quote from J@tko :I've recently developed a "BLOODY HELL MOUTH, WHY WON'T YOU SAY WHAT THE BRAIN IS TELLING YOU TO SAY" issue - it sometimes takes me about 3 attempts to get out what I actually want to say. And I mumble like hell.

...this. All throughout university, I always feared someone asking me what my major was because for some reason it was inordinately difficult for me to say properly. "Electrical Engineering" often came out "Ellktrcl gineering." Most other words or phrases aren't nearly as bad, though.

I also talk a bit fast sometimes, apparently.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :I love your accent.


haha the hairy bikers? Well alot of people round here speak like that but i lived in 2 areas with different accents so i have a mix, maybe a cross between paddy and the biker guy but not as strong. I hate my accent lol
I sound, erm... Northamptonshireish .
A North-east Scottish accent, depending on the mood its either a Strong Dorric sort-of one or a fisher/coastal accent, sometimes its both... Usually its more of a dorric type accent along with the slang
Quote from niall09 :I have a bit of a Cork accent, I suppose.

Ah, Dublin accent?

Worst in Ireland imo

No, I do believe that the accent your in possesion of, is far far worse..