The online racing simulator
Quote from FaFaDOD :lfs tweak z25 work for demo users and you can add turbo on any cars.


No, you cannot. You can only add turbo to the demo cars, as far as I understand.
Quote from Fredrikkk :No, you cannot. You can only add turbo to the demo cars, as far as I understand.

you can do whatever you want with cheat engine there's no limitation as long as you know the right value and address.

(lfs tweak z25 is cheat engine)

from what i know
tweekZ build3 works with a modified lfsconfig.
lol so i was looking at ya lots sounds eh? And I think to meself "i wonder if i could ever be that good." Sos i work, me brain hurtin and me ears ringin from the funny turbo noise, but here my first two EVER sounds.
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XRT_BOOSHI!.eng - 362.1 KB - 1387 views
XRT_lolV3.eng - 378.4 KB - 1222 views
Quote from Hayaku Warrier :I have tried again

i know its not what you want and still needs a load of work

do you have the exact skyline sound?
vtec sound for fxo
can some1 make an vtec sound for fxo please i love these sounds of the vtec
Quote from driftking8088 :can some1 make an vtec sound for fxo please i love these sounds of the vtec

demo with fxo? :bananadea
Its nothing special..I'm trying to make it as high sound ,as I could.Like "ROAR ,don't remove you're leg from the GAS"

BTW; I named the .eng file on my user ,but if you don't like it you can change that everytime you want soo..Enjoy!
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XRG_r3zp3k7.eng - 320.4 KB - 1163 views
de går inte, 850n har en rak 5:a medans xrgn har en rak 4.

Eng: It's not possible, the 850 has an inline 5 and XRG an inline 4.
Quote from MMMaaaXXX :de går inte, 850n har en rak 5:a medans xrgn har en rak 4.

Eng: It's not possible, the 850 has an inline 5 and XRG an inline 4.

synd men går det att göra något liknande med en rak 4 då??
nja, lfs ljud är inte identiska med verkligheten. Men de går å göra ljud som e ganska lika
RB4 - rally like
A little bit of clipping, but just a rough experiment.

Maybe you like it... :-)
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RB4_Mugna.eng - 427.8 KB - 1229 views
I wanted to change wind and road noise - to limit the bass to possible minimum. Would it be in /snd (and how to change .raw files) folder or /sound in /data/?

Second thing - anybody has idea how to turn up and equalize bass thru all the revs in the engine sound?
Back up you .eng file first in LFS/data/eng/ incase you stuff it up.

The easiest way to change the bass output of the road/wind noise is to lower the volume of that engine for that car in Shift-A menu sound editor.

Another way is to Click the [S] button in sound editor menu next to the road/wind noise and [S]ave the sound sample to a .WAV file, it gets saved to the LFS/data/eng/ folder. It's about 1/4 second long. Then use a sound editor program like Audacity and reduce the bass in the sample. Then save the sample back to a .WAV from Audacity ***Make sure you use the exact same file tye and sample rate as the original sample, or else you can't load it back into LFS. You can right click the .WAV file in Windows and check it's properties. Use the same properties when saving in Audacity.

Then go back into LFS, load up the sound editor Shift-A menu and import, [L]oad the new sound sample you modified. Then you must SAVE the entire engine sound in LDFS editor so you don't lose the changes you made.

You have to repeat the process for each car. You might choose the same road/wind noise .WAV file you modified the first time and just import that into each car engine sound.

To give the engine more bass.. well, up the volume on the engine/exhaust sound editor, or modify the engine sound sample's bass sound [S] after you export it to a .WAV as before.

This makes sense?
well, I have not got \data\eng folder, only \data\engine and I hoped I could just change one (or two - for no roof) files.

on bass - I dont want to give more bass to engine sound. I want to equalize it so the sound bandwith would have the same bass on low and high revs. When you listen to highreving sport engine (F1, bike) it has so much bass you can feel it with your body. That's why I wanted to turn it down on ambient sounds and give it more on engine

I was even thinking about a sample file that has much more low bandwidth below hearing threshold (although thats not much from 20Hz to 0 ) I dont know exactly how the sound is generated - when usuing samples the pitch is usually raised/lowered by speeding up/slowering down the sample therefore the bandwidth moves along up and down so the high sound looses bass (with long samples blending is used with low, mid and high sample, like in CSR Sound Mixer)
Yes, very sorry, I did mean lfs/data/engine folder.

OK, well I'm no sound expert or engineer so I don't 100% understand what you want to do, probably never will. But I suggest you export the short engine sample with [S] and edit that externally. Then resave and re-import to LFS using [L]. Mess around a bit and experiment to get what you want.

And adjust the tone variations and Exhaust volumes to get the bass levels you're after.

Reduce the wind Volume in the editor to reduce ambient sounds.

Even simply just reduce the Wind Volume Boost in the Options >> Audio menu and put up the equaliser bass on your PC audio card's settings. Might be simpler than editing individual cars.
Me >> I just turn up my Subwoofer bass volume and turn down the wind noise. Annoyingly, the low revs makes everything shake, and the car at high revs, there's not much bass to be heard.
Few engine sounds, some clipping issues, but it sounds so mean!
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engine.rar - 1.2 MB - 1641 views
this reversed sample is very good, I was trying to use something else than original sample but it didnt make much difference. I tried to make something based on them and it sounds much better than on original sample

Now I plan to turn off the radio and I think my neighbours will hate my sub

Here is couple of sounds I made on this.
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sounds.rar - 1.3 MB - 1468 views
2 more, just needed them un-dusting my xfg/xrg today

They may clip a bit whilst lots of echo volume.

One thing more - a hum from racing field would be awesome. I dont know if it is my card - I know that LFS can support limited number of cars, but it was not the issue. There was only the couple but none of them came fading in. All sounds were coming suddenly. I think that nearly always heard hum of the car in field (only one sound - exhaust) mixing then when car arrives would be great beacuse for now ie. whenever I am waiting for race there is only dead silence around.

Second thing - the pitch of sound (or maybe tone variation) of every car in grid could alter a bit (a setting plus randomized fraction) to avoid interference between the same type of cars as they mostly have almost the same revs.
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XRG_NEW.eng - 321.5 KB - 1330 views
XFG_NEW.eng - 320.4 KB - 1164 views
New sounds for FZ GTR!
(CSR sounds)
based on Porsche GT3 sounds


I would like to know what do you people think about them. If there will be positive comments, then I will release those sounds.
Hi all. Have one of you WRC sound, for GTR cars?
It would be great if somebody can give me that

Engine Sound Sharing
(983 posts, started )