about point (2) its my "S2" planned for next week, i know that atm the lack of "imperfections" makes it harder to judge
about point (1) "white lines", i was surprised to read about it, because i take screenies at home on test-copy of LFS and i didn't see any white line...today i tried at work on a crappy pc (with lcd monitor also), they are ugly and huge itried everything on every type of texture i produced til now without success, so at the end i opened the original lfs dds and saved again as dds, guess what? also the original textures resaved, show ugly white lines so it must be something in the saving process i do wrong, btw the lines are not by aliasing, but they appear on texture borders as if the texture is not covering the whole surface...i noticed that also on the original lfs (untouched) on crappy pc this effect is present but hard to see, but also on close look i can see it, also i remember someone complaining that problem about original lfs -> maybe related to graphic card or drivers? maybe the weird texture mapping of lfs (the same texture mapped to different sizes)? maybe something wrong about my converting to dds process?
i think most part is about converting to dds, so i need someone's help here: til now i wasn't able to use the nvidia dds plugin ("program error" message), so i exported to 24 bit bitmap and then i used xnview to convert to dds, i tried to use the lfs raw-to-dds convert feature, but it didn't work (wich raw format?), today i succeded to make the nvidia dds plugin work and tried many settings, but no success -> the white lines are still there (even by opening the original lfs and the resave it untouched), so in the first instance: what i have to do to export correct dds files (maybe here devs' help could be priceless :tilt

i have no worries about removing colored point if needed at later stage, btw, next time i will post a test without colored points, so you (and everyone) can judge the result and give hint for the most realistic choice
about (1): all my screenies are taken without any graphic card filter (antialiasing ad anisotropic are off) -> i tried to optimize for it, only the texture i showed on last screenie has this problem, but i posted only to show the extreme detail possible. so no glitter or mipmapping artifacts...btw i posted also the dds for those who want to test it at runtime.
however on next test i will use a bigger grain for comparison. the size i used on last test (for type "1" texture is what it seemed to me to match the correct dimension comparing to cars, btw this may not be the best looking choice, so i guess the trick is to find the best compromise).
later i will produce screenies of decolored and bigger grain i brought from work today, unfortunately today i wasted lot of time about the white lines issue