The online racing simulator
Quote from TagForce :I'm slowly starting to realize that anyone creating high-res textures for use on racing tracks in a certain game we all play has serious mental problems (or will develop them soon enough)... But I'm having fun doing it...

my insanity is guiding me since i was a very little child
insanity is fun...insanity is genius...
Quote :
I'm using 4096 sized textures at the moment because that's what I'm using for the originals (which are partly upscaled from lower res textures, including Eric's originals for luminosity layers) and I can't be bothered to downscale them everytime... But there's absolutely no noticable loss in quality when going from 4096 to 2048... Not unless you put a camera straight down at 2ft high, anyway.

well my canvas size is 2048*2048, but inside the source samples are at much "higher resolution"...that is: downsample, tiling etc. allthings are kept and reversible -> if i did the eric's way, if i want to change something in the middle steps would require to start from beginning, in my way it takes few seconds to do mostly any change...
at the end i only select the layers to be visible and resize, no strange things...hence the huge size
when do you think it will be released then?
Quote from Jakg :when do you think it will be released then?

my plans are: stage 1 at end of next week, stage 2 at end of the following week and stage 3 one week further.

i will release only tracks (no kerbs)and resebling lfs again consider it alpha, so after that all opinions and critics i will eventually make another release more refined, maybe...
yay! just got a new GFX card (well, 2x 6600 GT's in SLi) and want something to push the frame rate down!
im only scawen went though his strages at that rate

i doubt it will lower your framerates to any noticeable degree jakg
Quote from Shotglass :im only scawen went though his strages at that rate

i doubt it will lower your framerates to any noticeable degree jakg

oh! i hate having 92 fps in cockpit and 150 in cinematic!
Ok, I'll take 30 of them.
I tell ya what, if you really need to bring the framerate down a bit, I'd be willing to accept one of the cards as a donation.

Seriously though, I very much doubt your gonna be able to drag the framerate down in LFS I have a single 6600GT and with everything maxed out its still delivering 70-90fps all the time (except full grid starts, 40-50fps for a few secs there).

Can't wait till one of you guys release a new texture pack to play with Currently using Kristiansen's, which is a nice improvement.
so, here is the update of my LFS-Textures-S1.
the first 2 screenies it's my favourite texture: i finished its base tile wich is totally aliasing-free (the repetition effect) and if used at original resolution would bring to a 8192*8192 (at least) texture without any image loss.
what i ask you all to judge (and give opinions) is its "depth" and color, which are still to be finalized.
i found that the original depth was too excessive, so i guess photorealistic textures don't work well into can judge the opposite with the 4th screnie wichis the same texture, but more bright and "deep/detailed".

the 3rd screenie is the ugly result of yesterday's tests...yesterday i was simply too ashamed to show that, however as you can see, i already sterted working on imperfections (my S2) to add and give ultimate realism..for now only consumed paintings.
Attached images
I'd really like to see the first one in action

The 4th is causing eye cancer, though
why all the blueish and pinkish spots in the texture ?

and boy that skin is nasty
the first one is optimized (i hope) to look good while moving, obviosly it will be better when "imperfections" will be added, btw if you want to test it you can find in the attachement: it will replace the section before first corner at aston cadet.

you're right about the 4th picture i added just for comparison

the "pink" and "blue" are there because the original photo (i mean photo, not photorealistic) had, if you watch real asphalt you can notice other colors, btw i understand that into the game may end to be better with only black/gray, if so i can at the end just desaturate the texture tile, for now i want to see how it looks like to keep also the other colors.
btw what do you mean by "nasty": is it bad or is it good?
Attached files - 545 KB - 468 views
Okay, I just tried your textures (btw, Aston Nat has a longer strip of your texture, better for testing, imo). Two things:

1) unfortunately, horrible white blooming/aliasing lines

2) it really needs some more detail, like you said. Right now at any speed > 5 km/h it looks like a gray mass of nothing

Other than that, already a very nice start!
Quote from Honey :if you watch real asphalt you can notice other colors

they are much too strong on the texture though ... especially on the white line

Quote :if so i can at the end just desaturate the texture tile

not so sure that will work out and not look fishy on a whole new degree you havent considered yet

Quote :btw what do you mean by "nasty": is it bad or is it good?

very _very_ bad

and as android said the texture really needs a lot more dynamic to look good
There's a couple of things that I'm afraid of with your textures, Honey.

1) The amount of grains in it will make it glitter like mad when there's no AA/AF filtering... And will show a lot of mipmapping artifacts in the distance.

2) The white lines are too perfectly white... They really need to be multiple shades of grey.

I would suggest you select a range of grey colors from the texture (so you select about 70% of the texture) and make that 1 uniform grey color. The imperfections you create later on will make it look real anyway.
Quote from Rtsbasic :I tell ya what, if you really need to bring the framerate down a bit, I'd be willing to accept one of the cards as a donation.

Seriously though, I very much doubt your gonna be able to drag the framerate down in LFS I have a single 6600GT and with everything maxed out its still delivering 70-90fps all the time (except full grid starts, 40-50fps for a few secs there).

Can't wait till one of you guys release a new texture pack to play with Currently using Kristiansen's, which is a nice improvement.

yeah, um SLi now doesnt work! when i finally found out it was off, i turn it on and my pc reboots!
about point (2) its my "S2" planned for next week, i know that atm the lack of "imperfections" makes it harder to judge

about point (1) "white lines", i was surprised to read about it, because i take screenies at home on test-copy of LFS and i didn't see any white i tried at work on a crappy pc (with lcd monitor also), they are ugly and huge itried everything on every type of texture i produced til now without success, so at the end i opened the original lfs dds and saved again as dds, guess what? also the original textures resaved, show ugly white lines so it must be something in the saving process i do wrong, btw the lines are not by aliasing, but they appear on texture borders as if the texture is not covering the whole surface...i noticed that also on the original lfs (untouched) on crappy pc this effect is present but hard to see, but also on close look i can see it, also i remember someone complaining that problem about original lfs -> maybe related to graphic card or drivers? maybe the weird texture mapping of lfs (the same texture mapped to different sizes)? maybe something wrong about my converting to dds process?
i think most part is about converting to dds, so i need someone's help here: til now i wasn't able to use the nvidia dds plugin ("program error" message), so i exported to 24 bit bitmap and then i used xnview to convert to dds, i tried to use the lfs raw-to-dds convert feature, but it didn't work (wich raw format?), today i succeded to make the nvidia dds plugin work and tried many settings, but no success -> the white lines are still there (even by opening the original lfs and the resave it untouched), so in the first instance: what i have to do to export correct dds files (maybe here devs' help could be priceless :tilt?

i have no worries about removing colored point if needed at later stage, btw, next time i will post a test without colored points, so you (and everyone) can judge the result and give hint for the most realistic choice

about (1): all my screenies are taken without any graphic card filter (antialiasing ad anisotropic are off) -> i tried to optimize for it, only the texture i showed on last screenie has this problem, but i posted only to show the extreme detail possible. so no glitter or mipmapping artifacts...btw i posted also the dds for those who want to test it at runtime.
however on next test i will use a bigger grain for comparison. the size i used on last test (for type "1" texture is what it seemed to me to match the correct dimension comparing to cars, btw this may not be the best looking choice, so i guess the trick is to find the best compromise).


later i will produce screenies of decolored and bigger grain i brought from work today, unfortunately today i wasted lot of time about the white lines issue
Quote from AndroidXP :
1) unfortunately, horrible white blooming/aliasing lines

i found a way to produce raw files compliant to lfs format and make lfs generate the dds, so i'm attaching the same texture version of the dds i posted before, but this one is generated by lfs...please can you test it and tell me if white lines are still there? i'm confident that this was the issue...thanks!
Attached files - 553.6 KB - 360 views
here are today's new screenies:
1st screenie: simply removed colors
2nd screenie: bigger grain -> crappy
3rd screenie: bigger grain, less depth to compensate bad effect showed in 2nd screenie
Attached images
third screenie was best imo.
could use some more "usage" details but looks good.
desptite the fact that nearly every surface will turn into something gray with some stripes in it at high speeds.
is it possible to ad some bump map with a tiny amount of reflection to the road?

before i get flamed, watch some tarmac/asphalt road when the sun sets down and reflects itself on the street.

but i guess thats some kind of eyecandy to come in future releases?
Quote from Honey :here are today's new screenies:
1st screenie: simply removed colors
2nd screenie: bigger grain -> crappy
3rd screenie: bigger grain, less depth to compensate bad effect showed in 2nd screenie

Hi Honey,
I tested your texture and I have a big issue with it.It looks very artificial and when I am on wheel view in 10 meters there is like no texture but only grey colour across the track.

The white line still need improved.The outlines of the white line looks not like in realife.Something like on my custom texture.
Test texturing
Quote from micha1980de :third screenie was best imo.
could use some more "usage" details but looks good.
desptite the fact that nearly every surface will turn into something gray with some stripes in it at high speeds.
is it possible to ad some bump map with a tiny amount of reflection to the road?

before i get flamed, watch some tarmac/asphalt road when the sun sets down and reflects itself on the street.

but i guess thats some kind of eyecandy to come in future releases?

as i said before critics is what i seek here... i need all your opinions to make it better
i also have to remark that as i planned, this week is dedicated to finalize the base texture that "by definition" must be more plain as possible, next week is dedicated to produce techniques and mixes to add imperfections and variety.
unfortunately bump mapping and shiny tarmac is not possible on textures alone, it must be coded into the executable because it's a directx effect, if possible i would have activated for sure , unfortunately it is not
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Hi Honey,
I tested your texture and I have a big issue with it.It looks very artificial and when I am on wheel view in 10 meters there is like no texture but only grey colour across the track.

The white line still need improved.The outlines of the white line looks not like in realife.Something like on my custom texture.
Test texturing

do you use any aa/af? i think it could make it worse, obviously atm the texture is very plain for the reasons i said previously, what i have in mind for my "S2" is firstly mix fine grain with bigger grain and only this will improve it much, then add some low frequency "bumps", effect of tires passed on, etc.
when i think of what i want to achieve, i always have in mind your texture that is the perfect mix of all things, unfortunately due to permission problem, we have to produce something similar from scratch, i know i'm still very far from this goal, but i hope with the contribution of all your opinions to move on that way step by step
Quote from Honey :do you use any aa/af? i think it could make it worse,

Yeh I am using like 8-16xAA and 16AF.I think the problem is that the texture is too much plain.I am not making critics your way but rather suggestions and feedback from testing it.
I welcome every effort making LFS better.
i kinda like the second pic ... that degree of dynamic with a lot finer graining might look nice ... or not

devil will you release your we textures anytime soon ?