The online racing simulator
I give up.... call me when you lot realise that this was not meant to be an "Amelie Pulen" type of movie or something... it's just an awesome cinema-3 hours escape from reality-po*nographic CGI experience... jesus christ.
Quote from Boris Lozac :I give up.... call me when you lot realise that this was not meant to be an "Amelie Pulen" type of movie or something... it's just an awesome cinema-3 hours escape from reality-po*nographic CGI experience... jesus christ.

But the thing is, it was built up as this big new thing in movies, the next improvement in cinema but at the end of the day not everyone likes a "3 hour blast of pornographic CGI experience" some like to have a bit more substance.

As I said, it's not the worst movie by any means, the fact you like it and I didn't is down to peronal taste. The issue is that you seem to believe that we should all like it because it is, in your opinion, awesome. I'm sure if I was to get you to view a film I class as the best the chances are you're not going to like it, I can accept that.
Quote from Boris Lozac :..."Amelie Pulen"...

That´s a perfect example for a good story, very funny cuts/angle´s, a pretty score and awesome actors... I don´t need more!

on the other side there´s Transformers/Fast and ridiculous ...perfect for 3 years old...
@ Mackie the hater :P

Where was that said? I only heard of Avatar like 2 months before release.. It was probably hyped as the next big new thing regarding animations and CGI techniques, which you gotta admit, it is.. Find me one quote of Cameron where he says.. "This movie will make you smarter by 30%"..
I'm all for 'smart' movies, fantastic stories, dialogs, scenarios, but it's just that some of you people are so restricted from good fun, just because it doesn't have those things.. Are you one of those people that stay in the corner, where all of his friends are having a good time, just because he doesn't find that particular song likeable by his 'standards'..
Quote from Boris Lozac :@ Mackie the hater :P

Where was that said? I only heard of Avatar like 2 months before release.. It was probably hyped as the next big new thing regarding animations and CGI techniques, which you gotta admit, it is.. Find me one quote of Cameron where he says.. "This movie will make you smarter by 30%"..
I'm all for 'smart' movies, fantastic stories, dialogs, scenarios, but it's just that some of you people are so restricted from good fun, just because it doesn't have those things.. Are you one of those people that stay in the corner, where all of his friends are having a good time, just because he doesn't find that particular song likeable by his 'standards'..

1 - Mackie the Well from that "witty" retort I can conclude that humour is not a strong point.

2 - The media spin was there to be seen, but the critics who said that this will change cinema was more.

3 - And as for the last comment regarding fun and everything else you blah blahed about. Show's you naiviety in life if you think that because I don't like Avatar must mean I'm a complete dullard who has little life and intrests, and also shows why theres little point in arguing with someone who can't understand someone else opinion.
Jeez, have you not seen the ":P" smiley? I was not talking like to you directly.. but in general.. My intention was not to disrespect you or anything, it's just that i can't understand how people can't see the purposse of movies like this one, and demand 'originality' and 'depth' in every film..
We do see the purpose, we just don't enjoy it as much as you do.
Like it or not, Mackie, you CAN count on it to change cinema in some significant ways.

I won't be surprised if all or most of the big action/adventure movies from now on are in 3D.
Quote from Boris Lozac :
It was probably hyped as the next big new thing regarding animations and CGI techniques, which you gotta admit, it is..

It really wasn't that impressive. The 3D was done better than anything before it, but that's about it.The rest of it just generated....
(and i sure as hell dont want to see many films going down the 3D route. It's fine as an occasional novelty, but thats all)

Quote from Boris Lozac : but it's just that some of you people are so restricted from good fun, just because it doesn't have those things.. Are you one of those people that stay in the corner, where all of his friends are having a good time, just because he doesn't find that particular song likeable by his 'standards'..

LMAO. Restricted from good fun?
Don't make assumptions about people you know nothing about. I don't know about Mackie but you're as far off the mark as you could get with me. (Though i must admit i do a good grumpy old man impression on the internet at times )
Ok, i'll stop... You can't discuss some things through text, people can missunderstand you and think you're insulting them or something, that's honestly not what i'm trying to do here.. it would be better if we contiuned this in some pub i can say some things through text that i didn't mean, and english not beeing my native language contributes to that..
Quote from Boris Lozac :Ok, i'll stop... You can't discuss some things through text, people can missunderstand you and think you're insulting them or something, that's honestly not what i'm trying to do here.. it would be better if we contiuned this in some pub i can say some things through text that i didn't mean, and english not beeing my native language contributes to that..

Aye , very true. I hate trying to communicate in forums at times. Let's meet in the Pub then. Where is halfway? Germany? They have some good beer
Ha, that would be nice, i still haven't got that new Biometric, "3D" passport though..
Quote from boris lozac :ha, that would be nice, i still haven't got that new biometric, "3d" passport though..

Bloody hell guys.

What do you expect from an CGI movie that was mainly hyped for its effects?!

A damn opera?!

Avatar was great. When I first heard about it back in November, I laughed. I literally did. But then I went to see it, and I was blown away. I dont care if it was the story or the effects or the whole 3D experience that made this happen.... All I know is that I had a great time watching it and it entertained me.

I dont go to cinema to cry or something... If you want that, tune in to some soap opera on TV.

And before anyone says something about stories; Yes a movie does need one. And I like serious stories that make you think and all that. But for pete's sake, you knew, the lot of you, that you are not going to find one like that in this movie.... It was about pure entertainment. Thats one of the reasons why Cameron spent all those years trying to actually create equipment that would manage to create those 3h of pure orgasmic CGI goodness.

Even if a lot of people said that the story line is simply great in Avatar, with a bit of common sense you could figure out that its not about that.

And to be fair, I found the story quite fine too. Its a fantasy world which includes action, emotions, love, couragement etc. What else do you need?

I really dont see in the first place how a CGI movie is supposed to have a storyline? And whats a good storyline these days anyways? 3h about love-life and 5 guys battling it out for a girl? 2h of super-awesome one man againts whole army action kind of thing?

Rambo (Older series) was quite successful, and as far as I can remember all it had was shooting and gore and blood. Same applies for the freaking Saw franchise, over 2h of torture. Yet people somehow find that better than Avatar.

Makes me wonder. Really does.
Uhmmm... "good" beer, not canned "something"...
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :The issue is that you seem to believe that we should all like it because it is, in your opinion, awesome.

dont bother hes completely unable to grasp the idea that someone could have an oppinion that differs from his
i remembered ive been through this process before with some crappy game he fell in love with which turned out to be everything i said it would be
germany has the best beer

oh sorry for offtopic
LBP is awesome, though, shotty.
Quote from Shotglass :dont bother hes completely unable to grasp the idea that someone could have an oppinion that differs from his
i remembered ive been through this process before with some crappy game he fell in love with which turned out to be everything i said it would be

What it turned out to be? An awesome 'next-gen' platformer.. everything that was expected from it..
has either of you watched the video at all? its a platformer and well thats about all there is to say about it
theres a reason platformers pretty much died out you know?
Why would i watch that Yahtzee guy? I've played the game..
because listening to and actually thinking about other people oppinions for a change might make you grow a little and trust me you desperately need to in that area
I admit, i might have a small problem with that, (not accepting others opinion), it still strikes me just how people's opinions can vary so much... happy now?

Recommend a film you've seen lately.
(3163 posts, started )