Actually, I don't understand some people. See, I totally dedicated my life to LFS... I mean, I'm not addicted, it's just that I've no social life, so instead of hanging out with friends or doing some other stuff, I spend all my spare time on internet, mainly on LFS. I'm either playing or doing LFS related stuff(working on several projects, skinning, chatting with LFS players) several hours a day. On holidays, I will even spend most of my day online... I've had more than 110.000 kilometers online, and I raced more official races than anyone else in the game according to the spdoDB... And I do not even feel bored with that game, at all! I love the community so much, I love LFS so much, and I do not even feel like waiting for a new patch. I'm just enjoying the current content, and I'm not expecting any new features in the next few months/years. If the devs release something interresting in the future, I would feel it'd be like a bonus for me.
Now, it's amazing that the majority of the people complaining about the patch
couldn't even be bothered to race in at least 1 official event, or doing at least one single useful thing for the community... And afterwards, they think they've the legimity to ask for new
free updates

I mean, what the hell. They should rather feel happy to have discovered, once in their life, one of the most realistic racing sim ever, and that they paid it for, let's say... 1/3 the price of any crappy EA game, that's it?
If those people feel bothered, why don't they just piss off and let those who actually enjoy the game in peace? Hey people, why don't you let down the game, for, I don't know, iRenting perhaps? And enjoy the 20$ fees for any new car
So... Long life LFS, no worries, there will still be people enjoying the game for
what it is now, and not what they want it to be. I am sure that those people represent the majority, but that they can't even be bothered to express their opinion on the official forum because of the trolls hanging around...