Great to hear from you again. I hope you're doing fine over there.
The team is very active lately, just forgot to post in here.
I've been training with 2 other members each day for the last few weeks, and I'm working on a video, that shows the member invidualy, and some twinning. We've been training to twin all week, so we're still not that good, but we're having fun.

You can preview the latest build
Once the video is done, which will be hopefully this weekend, I'll also post a new forum design, which is alot more user-friendly, and better looking.
Some members turned inactive, but with reason, like school. All the inactive people without a reason, have been kicked out of the team. Me Turbo and Chicken are most active now.
I've been working hard on the website aswell, like an improved members page, which shows the members, and tells you if they're offline, or online. If they're online, you simple click on the server name, and you join them.
Also, we have a drift practise each Saturday, which the members are coming to, to drift with eachother, train the skills, and have fun.
We're currently recruiting. If you want to join, go to
www.iDrift.nl , Register on the forum and site, and make an application thread, and me or an other member will respond back as soon as possible.
Anyways, I hope to hear soon from you DK_USA, take care there.