The online racing simulator
(102 posts, started )
I have worked on a new skin. The plan is to have several skin designs. Me and RM are just tweaking it and finishing it. Tell us what you think. Good and bad things, so I can improve it. Preview below. More news: Arbiter NL and enanex(not on website yet) joined iDrift!
Also, more pictures of the skin can be found here. Unedited and BMP format.


-Gerben Bol
Attached images

Some more news. We now have a 24/7 server! It is called '' without the quotes. Also some changes in the members.
[iD]Anaalikonda joined, and Riders Motion left. I am still working on that skin.
We are still recruiting, Want to join? PM/e-mail me.
working on joining also, was on the track when annikolnda was taking the question is, do you only use the XRT?
Quote from lei1634 :working on joining also, was on the track when annikolnda was taking the question is, do you only use the XRT?

You can use whatever car you feel comfortable with. I am working on the skins atm

Quote from LFSn00b :What a name

hehe, well, he wants it anal
Riders M. left huu...
good luck Jonathan
Yeah. Everything is going good now. Server is running and we have quite some people wanting to join. I only have to finish the skins.
I've finished the skin. I think it looks pretty sweet
News about members: Nathan joined iDrift after the test on the server. enanex left because he was inactive.
The server is running good and quite filled with people

Skin preview

I am going to change the website a little bit, with the new skin themed.

Kind regards,

Here is some news we have some new members. But the most recent news is that I have changed the forum skin. I hope you guys like it

It is a Black and Orange liquid theme with custom post and forum markers so everyone will enjoy.

Have fun and post loads on the forum.


The iDrift staff
Hehe... Hey DK. Room for one more?
Quote from NathanRx-7 :Hehe... Hey DK. Room for one more?

Just for the record, I am the team leader if you didn't know. We have room left for an other member. If you could show how good you drift.
Quote from Bose321 :Just for the record, I am the team leader if you didn't know. We have room left for an other member. If you could show how good you drift.

Yeah no worries. And alright, I thought he was team leader :P
What do you want to do then?
Normally we do a try-out. So if you could add me on msn, we could chat about it a bit if you don't mind.
Quote from Bose321 :Normally we do a try-out. So if you could add me on msn, we could chat about it a bit if you don't mind.

Yup no worries.
could i join?? im not the best drifter. but i want some people who arent gunna be like oh you suck f u and stuff. i wanna learn from the best. i wouldnt have to be on the team officially but if i could join in some of your games id really appreciate it. email me with some details.

thanks in advance
Sure. If you have some time to do a trial, I could check how good you are. Check our website for some more info, amount of members etc. We are planning to have a meeting/event next weekend.
Hey everyone..not sure if the team is still alive or not.. Im srry bout leaving..Im currently in Afghanistan Fighting an unwinnable war. Id really love to drift with you all again sometime..Ive gotten a lot better with skinz as well. Being over here getz really freaking borring.

Peace out from the Ghanistan....


Great to hear from you again. I hope you're doing fine over there.

The team is very active lately, just forgot to post in here.

I've been training with 2 other members each day for the last few weeks, and I'm working on a video, that shows the member invidualy, and some twinning. We've been training to twin all week, so we're still not that good, but we're having fun. You can preview the latest build here.

Once the video is done, which will be hopefully this weekend, I'll also post a new forum design, which is alot more user-friendly, and better looking.

Some members turned inactive, but with reason, like school. All the inactive people without a reason, have been kicked out of the team. Me Turbo and Chicken are most active now.

I've been working hard on the website aswell, like an improved members page, which shows the members, and tells you if they're offline, or online. If they're online, you simple click on the server name, and you join them.

Also, we have a drift practise each Saturday, which the members are coming to, to drift with eachother, train the skills, and have fun.

We're currently recruiting. If you want to join, go to , Register on the forum and site, and make an application thread, and me or an other member will respond back as soon as possible.

Anyways, I hope to hear soon from you DK_USA, take care there.


id join but atm my wheel is broke so i should get a replacent within a month
Quote from brt900 :id join but atm my wheel is broke so i should get a replacent within a month

Haha fanatec ehhh?
shut it ginho stop stalking my posts
Quote from brt900 :shut it ginho stop stalking my posts

Why should he shut up? You and Jordan are big noobs
Stop fighting guys, please.

No LFS for me, my G25 just died.
Oh i said nothing about Fanatec.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Why should he shut up? You and Jordan are big noobs

were the noobs says the one who started a race team and then got beat by me and jordan in the test
Quote from Bmxtwins :Why should he shut up? You and Jordan are big noobs

For **** sake, Will You give it a rest you ****ing twat.

Lets have a little chat on Skype, If your that big of a man.

Quote from Bmxtwins :Hi! We are glad you have applied. I would like to see you on the server but odds are i wont be on until sunday at the earliest. Your applicaiton has been accepted and I will be editing the team list soon.

Not in the mood tonight to be ****ed around by a immiture prick.

(102 posts, started )