Excellent, I'm simply amazed at the speed you code 
Now take it easy but it would be very nice if Aonio could talk a little bit more with Airio on an admin base.
You replaced the race listing but what I miss are the ban and kick buttons. Now I know I can have those when I press N but that screen takes up quite a lot of space on my screen.
More important, LimAd's don't have those buttons at all.
So, it would be great if you can make tiny little buttons like S and K to quickly !se (spectate) and kick people with Aonio / Airio. Spectate? Yes, sometimes kicking is already a little bit too much punishment.
When in race (or even when spectating) its much easier to quickly hit such a button then to first check the accountname, type the command and name in chat screen and so on. Most of the time something bad already happened.
Also configurable with a setting in config file to switch those buttons on (or off) ofcourse. Not everybody have LimAd or admin rights on a server.
* btw you need to update your site.
http://www.airio.eu/Airio_DL.html <--- old 1.2.1 link there

Now take it easy but it would be very nice if Aonio could talk a little bit more with Airio on an admin base.
You replaced the race listing but what I miss are the ban and kick buttons. Now I know I can have those when I press N but that screen takes up quite a lot of space on my screen.
More important, LimAd's don't have those buttons at all.
So, it would be great if you can make tiny little buttons like S and K to quickly !se (spectate) and kick people with Aonio / Airio. Spectate? Yes, sometimes kicking is already a little bit too much punishment.
When in race (or even when spectating) its much easier to quickly hit such a button then to first check the accountname, type the command and name in chat screen and so on. Most of the time something bad already happened.
Also configurable with a setting in config file to switch those buttons on (or off) ofcourse. Not everybody have LimAd or admin rights on a server.

* btw you need to update your site.
http://www.airio.eu/Airio_DL.html <--- old 1.2.1 link there