[QUOTE=The Very End;1491002][QUOTE=jrs_4500;1490931]It really is for me. Keyboard is physically impossible, and my MOMO wheel (I don't know if it wasn't set up correctly with the game or what) the slightest throttle movement would send the car spinning even if you're trying to go in a straight line or driving conservatively. Of course, that was only a test patch.
I drove the LX cars, hell, even the FO8 with keyboard back in time, it was a challenge from hell but fun too. The key to kontroll that beast with keyboard is a propper setups, both car setup and keyboard setup.
But ultimatelig it's tapping frenzy on the trottle and turn buttons

Yeah i remember being quite sucessfull back in my demo-days when i didnt have a wheel. That was when XRT was a demo car still, and me and my friend would kick ass against people using wheel.
So its possible yes... using a higher gear ratio helped me.