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Quote from Klutch :Whats the problem?
Most of the vegan's i've met are great people, aren't overly pushy in their beliefs etc.

I like cooking for my girlfriends, and being damn close to a carnivore makes that difficult when they don't eat meat
Quote from MAGGOT :I like cooking for my girlfriends, and being damn close to a carnivore makes that difficult when they don't eat meat

Haha, you have quite a point.

I was out with a friend once and got mcdonalds, didn't know she was vegan

shoulda seen the look on my face when she ordered a cheeserburger without the meat and cheese...
Am I cool now
Attached images
scrounging semi-naked amateur sites I see
I swear I've seen that on /b/
I bet you wont find any link to this picture because it's not from the internet...
Quote from AMB :Am I cool now

i didn't know your sister was called Beth.
Quote from Klutch :Haha, you have quite a point.

I was out with a friend once and got mcdonalds, didn't know she was vegan

shoulda seen the look on my face when she ordered a cheeserburger without the meat and cheese...

I don't know how people survive on a vegan diet. My diet is 90% meat and cheese. haha I also have a fondness for bread, though.

The girl I'm sorta going after now is a vegetarian, but I'm open to trying to learn to cook good veggie dishes if we do wind up getting together. Carpe Diem!
like i said, she skates on occasion and i guess she liked that picture, so its her facebook profile picture

EDIT: and klutch shes mine
Where does it say that?

Dont want to sound like a dick, but she will probably dump and hurt you the first chance she gets.

(I am just saying how its over here in UK. I have yet to see a teenage couple get past 4months.)
Quote from DevilDare :(I am just saying how its over here in UK. I have yet to see a teenage couple get past 4months.)

It depends who it is - all of my friends have been with their OH's for over 6 months... over a year in most cases.
over here its pretty different

a few friends have had relationships for over a year, one a little over two.....both have ended but it did happen

and where did it say what?
Quote from DevilDare :Where does it say that?

Dont want to sound like a dick, but she will probably dump and hurt you the first chance she gets.

(I am just saying how its over here in UK. I have yet to see a teenage couple get past 4months.)

Well your right, but the girls from the UK are dirty slags and tend to be shallow and stupid, they pick guys because of looks and they've been with them a day and say stuff like 'I love him so much' and when I hear it I just think it's bull, which is why if I go out with someone and say stuff like that then I start to worry....
Quote from logitekg25 :
and where did it say what?

"EDIT: and klutch shes mine"

Where does it say she is "yours"?
Quote from Klutch :
Hmm..not sure if wan't.

doesn't matter if he wants, we are going out and BOTH happy, and that's Always good
Quote from Jakg :It depends who it is - all of my friends have been with their OH's for over 6 months... over a year in most cases.

I know I'm not a teen any more but my GF is and we've been together for about 18 months, one of my best mates is a teen and has been with his GF for the same amount of time.

There is always exceptions, just because you never know of any, doesn't mean they don't exist.

one of my friends who is 19 like me has been in a steady relationship with his girlfriend ever since I've known him, that must be going back at least 4 years
i met kirsty when i was 21, august '05, we split in march '10, but got back together again in may, but split up again, today.
Quote from danthebangerboy :i met kirsty when i was 21, august '05, we split in march '10, but got back together again in may, but split up again, today.

Quote from danthebangerboy :i met kirsty when i was 21, august '05, we split in march '10, but got back together again in may, but split up again, today.

It happens. Sorry to hear.
Yeah, it sucks, im to blame tho, as i did the dumping.

Probably could of sorted things if we had actually sat down and had a proper convo, but no, thats too easy, i had to work out (wrongly) in my own mind that i didnt want a gf anymore, so i told her that, straight, totally inaccuarate as well, but its too late now, i fooked it up.

Thats life i guess.
I suspect she doesn't want to split any more than you do Dan. Perhaps this is a time when one of those overwhelming gestures you've always thought too ridiculous or too outrageous might come in handy?
I very much doubt that i have a cat in hells chance TBH mate, and you know what? i dont blame her one little bit for not wanting me back now!

This is the 2nd time i have done this (you'd have thought i would have learned after making this same mistake a few months ago, but no) i just havent been fair, i have been a twat, and now im paying the price.

Its not right to mess her around coz whats to say that i wont feel trapped/bored/like i want to be on my own all over again further down the line, cant keep putting her thru that when i dont even know what i actually want myself for sure.
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
Hmm, Dan.... feel free to post more pictures of that Kirsty if that makes you feel better

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