My view on things.
I all comes down to the state of nr1 driver or nr1a at RBR.
Both drivers were even in points and after the last races it seems like MW would be able to beat Vettel. He had an all time high.
On the other side Vettel had a lot bad luck lately and began to realize that his underestimated team mate is the biggest opponent in the battle for the championship.
So Vettel was driving a few laps behind MW and I am pretty sure he realized that there is no chance of passing if WM doesn't do any mistakes.
So he tried when MW was slower out of the turn for whatever reason. It was clearly a valid try cause he came in the lead before the breaking.
For me it was not the pressure by LH from behind rather than the chance of beating MW on track to show who is nr1a at RBR.
MW himself was also very aware that if SV beat him on track for whatever reason, SV will be everybodies darling again.
He will be put back in second row. So he knew he must prevent SV somehow from overtaking.
My assumption is that in time vettel came in front, there was no reason for MW to keep that close.
MW should have positioning his car for the best possible braking attempt to regain his position after the turn.
I think that was exactly was SV was thinking so he tried to do same.
He was not forcing MW to clean line (which would be quite stupid), he was assuming MW would do it by himself.
So he hit MWs car by accident and not by intension.
Of course is was SVs fault but it remains mysterious why MW hold his line and did not get back to the right.
It is stupid to overate SV actions after the crash. There was a lot of adrenalin involved so it should not be taken to serious.
At the end it was not fight at ease between team mates, it was a fight to be nr1 in team.
Be calm with me, I am not a nativ english speaker
