Ok, something ground my gears this afternoon.....
Beautiful day. I'm driving home, windows down, tunes are crankin. I just want to get home to enjoy the evening. Get on the main road heading up north, 55 mph. I'm cruising a bit higher than that, I want to get home. Up ahead, what do I see? Hmm, nice looking Mustang. I get closer, nope, not just a Mustang, a Shelby Mustang. I catch up to him in my 185,000 mile tired 100 hp weak Civic and..... He's doing 45 mph just putting along! I can't get around him, I'm in a freakin 1994 Civic for crying out loud. I just want to get home while there's still daylight and I'm stuck behind a freakin Shelby Mustang in a POS lacking any power Civic putting along at 10 mph under the limit!
I swear the rear tires on that thing was half the width of my entire car.