This morning I had some fun - I taped over my LCD screen and set the stopwatch for 10 minutes and ran about the beach trying to get the best photos I could. I tried to focus on the wood texture of the groyne and the sand.
The rules of the photoshoot:
Checking your LCD is forbidden - trust your exposure.
Use an external lightmeter - I used a 50 year old manual one.
36 shutter presses maximum!
If your hardcore you have to wait 24 hours before you can look at your photos - I'm far too impatient though.
Primitive darkroom techniques only in photoshop, however I admit to doing some sharpening on these.
Its actually brilliant fun, you get some great images and I've found that my keeper rate was a lot higher than usual because I was taking much more care when taking each photo.
Here's the best 3: