The online racing simulator
well if somebody make in 4096 would be perfect

just waiting for the hi res skin

Quote from kiste :You cant make a skin bigger if it is only imn 1024. He was rigth that we have only 1024px versions. But we will fix it

And plz delete this one because it is so low-res. :-/

Oh crap you are right the 2048px link just links you to the 1024px Version.


I uploaded the 4096 Version that atteiros made. Just look at the post above the post of yours and kistes.
PLZ delete this one! It is a crappy resolution because you make a 1024 version to a 4096! It´s not a joke. PLZ delete it because it is not really nice with such an crappy (lowres) skin!!!
All the logos and other skin stuff seem hi-res to me. Just the black mask, shadows and signatures are low-res. It certainly isn't just 1024 to 4096..
well somebody with the skin Mercedes GP 2010

in 2048 or 496 pls

high res pls
Hmmm... let me look into it...
Quote from kiste :PLZ delete this one! It is a crappy resolution because you make a 1024 version to a 4096! It´s not a joke. PLZ delete it because it is not really nice with such an crappy (lowres) skin!!!

The Skin isn´t done by me it´s the skin that atteiros released as 4096 Skin. I did not upscale a 1024 skin! It´s the best MGP skin atm.

Is here no spoiler tag on this forum?

Yeah, I can confirm it's the 4096 version I originally posted. I'll check on the L4P skin. I think I sent 2 1024 versions for upload.
Swedish drivers might like this skin but I don't know if I should release it...

PS: Skinning the BF1's wings is a pain in the neck.

Skin made in Photoshop CS4, but used GIMP to compress as PS made it HELL-A-BIG.

EDIT: Decided to release it after all - skin attached.
Attached images
someone have the pack of skins of F1 2009? or 2010
Thanks friend.
Decided to release my Two Color skin. Look on post #1473 if you want to download it.
any with the with the green line, like in the F1 2010?

My very first skin (PD: sorry 4 my bad english )
Quote from ADrIaN1996 :My very first skin (PD: sorry 4 my bad english )

You might want to check that post again.
First skin upload... (I have loads offline, but in the past they've just been for me, But I might upload the Monster Energy ones.

OK, so if Monster Energy moved into F1 fully, I reckon they might take on Button or Hamilton. Well, hopefully a British driver.

Clearly then, they need a livery. I am now drinking 50 cans of Monster a day in order to finance the idea.

I've done Monster skins for the XFG,XRG,FBM,LX4+6,UF1,UFR and XFR. I'll be starting the next one soon.
Attached images
BF1_Monster Energy.png
...meanwhile, beyond the sun...

Quote from Anathema :petrol is an infinite resource but disk space or bandwidth not?
Or is it just me who doesnt understand the irony.

not irony - i was being facetious - i.e. not meant to be taken seriously or literally

Quote from EliteAti :I see a small thumbnail there which can be enlarged, so what are you on about? Flaming fail.

My browser doesn't display the thumbnail for some reason, so i didn't see a preview... and it wasn't a flame - i gave advice on how to improve the screenshot, so actually it was constructive criticism.

But for what it's worth, the overall quality of screenshots has improved (from what I've seen), and there are some cool skins out there - big ups everyone.
Thanks atteiros, they have to be some of the nicest looking skins ive ever seen =D
Lataamo new skin agen
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BF1_teamskin copy.gif
Hey Guys,

after a very long time here is another skin.
Its the Lotus Renault 2011 Pre-Skin.
Hope you like it.


Attached images
Very nice painting, also the render just awesome work.

BF1 Skins
(1670 posts, started )