The online racing simulator
Slight problem with the config...I cont have access to the files and the admin is italian, so im pretty much working by myself right now..but Watch the replay (lap two, following Thai).

He gets kicked for "security"..but he is doing nothing.
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Quote from michele0676 :I've setted my server that when race restart it reverse first 12 position on grid. ... In my baby before race 1 i manual call driver and do the grid. After i start race for a lag lap, just 3-4 corners and after i call restart. Why when i call restart airio reverse the grid ?!?!?

You do manual grid and then call restart? Wow! I wonder if LFS by itself would keep the previously manually set order. You can disable Airio custom grid sorting using !cfg CustomGrid=false before race 1 restart, then set it back to true before race 2.

Quote from michele0676 :Another questions. Why if a guys finish for example 15th ... sometime happens that he restart 21th and not 15th ?!?

This is very probably because of the secondary sort you're using, probably by session lap time, the default. Use GridSecMethod=RR (previous race result) in the SRV file.

Quote from Bmxtwins :U should just turn airio off for the test race.

No, you should just know what is causing what and change the configuration (temporarily or permanently) according to needs. I realize it requires time to get acquainted with the options, but stopping Airio just because you do not want grid resorted is a serious overkill...

Quote from SF-Turdtron :Watch the replay (lap two, following Thai). He gets kicked for "security"..but he is doing nothing.

Typical example of security kick because of impossible split/sector/lap time, as compared to current WR. It is turned off by default, but if active it works great on most tracks. The major exception is the oval, where drafting allows to reach much better than WR times. The easiest option is turn off time checking by specifying CheckTime=false in the SRV file. That would be a permanent change (applied after !rld), you may change the setting also temporarily by typing !cfg CheckTime=false.
Airio 2.4.5 Update
Quote from VoiD :10.06.29 18:46:03 #1 C30P47 xxxxxx - Lap 3 : 1:26.69
10.06.29 18:46:03 #1 C30P47 xxxxxx - Saving data from PlayerLap...
10.06.29 18:46:03 #1 AIRIO ERROR : Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
bei LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Datas.GetListCars(String trackName, String carName, String sort, String filter) in D:\Development Files\LFS_Airio\Datas.cs:Zeile 977.
bei LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.PlayerLap_Handler(C onnection sender, PlayerLap l) in D:\Development Files\LFS_Airio\Splits.cs:Zeile 771.

Thx, Void, for sending the files. The cause was discovered and corrected, it was connected with what is saved and when, including a logical flaw. Basically, driver new PB was saved but his top level (personal config) data not, that's why the uninstantiated object.

The FREE and FULL archives are now updated, so please download them again (same filename) and replace existing EXE/PDB with the one dated June 30th. Thank for bringing my attention to the problem!
U was right EQ about second question, now i've fixed.

Now it would be ok.

Tonigh i check in race.

# Time (in seconds) to wait with automatic race restart - integer
# Number of players to be on track for the restart to happen - integer

# Time (in seconds) to show until race restart or race end - integer

# Use below defined custom start grid ordering - boolean
# This allows to create grid ordering schemes using last race results
# or achieved lap session times or both in any combination.

# Always put forward faster types of cars on custom grid - boolean
# Equal speed car types are defined in TCD file under CarSpeeds item.

# Primary method used for ordering - string
# Available values are 'RR' (previous Race Results), 'ST' (achieved
# Session lap Time), 'PB' (server Personal stored Best time), 'CP'
# (current Combo Points), 'TP' (total points).

# Maximum number of cars to which the primary method applies - integer
# For remaining people the secondary sort is used.

# Reverse primary method results - boolean
# Using this you may have e.g. first 8 cars of previous race start in
# reversed order.

# Secondary method used for ordering (RR, ST, PB, CP, TP) - string
# Reverse secodary method results - boolean

# One ordering method for start after qualification (ST or PB) - string
# If valid selection is made start grid after qualification can be
# changed/adjusted.

# Optionally clear session data (lap times) of all drivers on practice
# or qualification start - boolean
# Clear session stats for spectating when not a doing pitstop - boolean
# These can together with previous 3 items allow for advanced 1st race
# after qualification sorting, enforcing reality.
Quote from EQ Worry :You do manual grid and then call restart? Wow! I wonder if LFS by itself would keep the previously manually set order. You can disable Airio custom grid sorting using !cfg CustomGrid=false before race 1 restart, then set it back to true before race 2.

Only this is not clear ...
I do a manual grid, calling people then race start.
After some corners (lag lap) i restart race with classic !re.
Then my manual grid was losted, damn.
So, if i understood, before race 1 and before do the grid i type !cfg CustomGrid=false, i do some corners and after i restart the race.
When race is restarted i call !cfg CustomGrid=true for race 2.
And if i want do a lag lap in race 2 ?

I have to restart race, and before call !re i need to type for another time !cfg CustomGrid=false ?
Quote from EQ Worry :On Windows you'll need to copy sqlite3.dll into Airio or Windows\System32 directory, on Linux you'll need in some system directory (renaming the SO file may be required). Click on the filename to download or get the file from here.

Thank you very much for your help. Now works correctly.
Quote from michele0676 :When race is restarted i call !cfg CustomGrid=true for race 2.[B] And if i want do a lag lap in race 2?

When/if you restart 2nd race, the grid ordering will use exactly the same data as before, that is 12 first of the last finished race reversed. So, for the 2nd race the custom grid MUST be used, both during start and restart, or you'll get some LFS standard order depending on other settings. A question though: Why are you using manual grid after qualification?

Quote from Melvyn :Thank you very much for your help. Now works correctly.

Great to hear!
There isn't qualification.
Quote from michele0676 :There isn't qualification.

LOOL, I see. Question is then why not use GridPriMethod=PB (personal best time stored on server), GridPriCount=32, GridPriReverse=false for race 1, and GridPriMethod=RR, GridPriCount=12, GridPriReverse=true for race 2. No manual grids and !cfg calls necessary, restarts possible and easy.

If I was to configure this, I would create Airio.srv.1.1.txt file containing the first 3 items. Sometime before the 1st race I'd apply the settings by !rld 1 1 (which says reload setup for server 1, version 1). You can also have Airio.srv.1.2.txt file with the remaining three items, and call this setup using !rld 1 2 (reload server 1, version 2).

[As an additional option, these !rld calls may be automated for execution at specific day/time or weekly, to be sure you do not forget...]
It´s me again...

No more errors in the log, but:

please take a closer look...

Quote from console.log :2010.06.30 18:45:57
Airio tracker v. 2.4.5 PROS by EQ Worry for PVL Crash & Fun
Opening connection : CONN OK
Airio connected to PVL Crash 'n' Fun 1 - 0.5Z28 - DEMO
Opening connection : CONN OK
Airio connected to PVL Crash 'n' Fun 2 - 0.5Z28 - S2


Quote from VoiD :It´s me again... No more errors in the log, but: ... please take a closer look...

I'll be damned. Of course they're debug messages I used to discover the bug and forgot to remove. Two options: 1) Ignore them. 2) Get the updated files, same names... Sorry!
I prefer 2)
Worry, i have seen a few people including myself not have !ex when checked on servers.
Tried to do !exr, and only get a message:

Quote :Your last known experience was 0.0

Happened on 2.4.5 and 2.4.2.

I can get the logs from both versions if you like, unless you may already know what it may be....


EDIT: sorted.
incorrect pubstat key FYI
Hi EQ !
Yesterday night i used the first solution (disable custom grid in first restart with lag lap) and all work fine. Thanks for support.
Quote from michele0676 :Yesterday night i used the first solution (disable custom grid in first restart with lag lap) and all work fine. Thanks for support.

Good! Next step would be to skip the manual race 1 rid sorting and use automatic sorting by server PB time... ;-)
It would be ...
Hello to all!
Quote :- # Make proper racing path a bit wider

if i set to "0", the path control is more accurate? How i can assign a penality (Drive through, for instance) in this case?


2. How can i assign a ballast or handicap (restrictor intake) to a car model? And, is possible to assign it also a single driver?


3. on my server running Airio 2.4.2 version. What i need to do for upgrade to 2.4.5, without lose the setting? Is correct if i copy/paste the Airio.cfg, con.1, srv.1, srv and tcd files from old to new Airio version folder?
Thanks in advance!
Quote from mlucky :...snip..

1) yes, although probably too accurate. the "2" is meters off the defined pth file.
no, you cannot assign a penalty (as of now, but you could ask for it to possibly be added later).

2) In .tcd file, and example would be:

Quote :# Empty track means the following values are valid for all tracks

# Values for this type of car on all tracks

# Defines required intake air restriction

# Defines required added mass

# Defines percents to add to default required time

For this to apply, you would need to have in .srv file:

Quote :CheckHandicaps=true

but you cannot only force it to one driver.

3) If you want to upgrade to 2.4.5, you need to replace the Airio.exe, and either replace the cfg.txt, srv.txt, tcd.txt files, or only add whatever missing commands there are from 2.4.2 to 2.4.5.(you do not need to replace any .sta files, but make sure you cleanly disconnect Airio from your server before you upgrade to 2.4.5, by typing !quit in chat in server)
(if you are using 500servers for example, you will have to ask for a .exe upgrade to be done by the host)

Think i got it all, hope that helps. Please anyone correct me if i have missed something.
Quote from mlucky :1. OffPath ... if i set to "0", the path control is more accurate? How i can assign a penality (Drive through, for instance) in this case?

The check is the more strict, not more accurate. Basically, OffPath is used only to widen the standard path to something that is still acceptable as a server best lap time, small cutting allowed. No penalty can be assigned for leaving the proper racing path, partially because it is too lag-dependent. Airio uses server data for car positions, and server extrapolates the coordinates based on some recent changes, until it received new correct position. After a small lag the car may appear outside the racing path, especially if 0 would be used as OffPath, while in fact the driving was perfectly clean.

Quote from mlucky :2. How can i assign a ballast or handicap (restrictor intake) to a car model? And, is possible to assign it also a single driver?

Search for IntakeRestriction and AddedMass in the TCD file. Basically you'll have something like this:

Track= # empty value covers all tracks
Car=XFG # specific car type, all tracks
IntakeRestriction=10 # the actual value

Quote from mlucky :3. on my server running Airio 2.4.2 version. What i need to do for upgrade to 2.4.5, without lose the setting? Is correct if i copy/paste the Airio.cfg, con.1, srv.1, srv and tcd files from old to new Airio version folder?

Best way is to always keep your old configuration file and just (manually) add into them new configuration items from updated default files. Automatic update of configuration files is not supported and currently I cannot even imagine how it could work. The work can be simplified using some file comparison tool, where you open your old config and compare it with new default one. For example PSPad will in different colors show just items with changed values and completely new lines. Update then takes 5 minutes max.

PS: Havoc was very fast responding, and some answers are more accurate than mine... :-O
Sorry EQ, you're usually asleep by now...
Thanks a lot for your replies, this one and many previous ones as well. Keep it up, I'm going to get some sleep now.
thanks z-ro 8 and EQ for your replies
EQ Worry,
there is a command to dispay a message like button msg displayed when a guys join in the server ?

and/ or


Please read the config file comments.
Mate i want use the same method but directly in server ...
somethink like /rcm command but displayes as button ..

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