Hhmm I understand what you are trying to do. I didn't tested it yet but try to send %ssm [text] ++ [text] ++ [even more text]?
That restart after track change is great but the script line also runs two times now because of that restart. Could you disable script execution after first track load?
Just a few short notes before I'm back from holidays:
MC, for an example see the !warn command, it is defined in default SRV file. But that is actually several separate commands, filling buttons with text, displaying them and hiding also.
Well, true. On the other hand stats update script should NOT be in server (race restart) config, it should be in CFG file, called periodically... But I'll check on that, if it is somehow possible to disable calling it twice.
There are many items in SRV file allowing you to display chat messages, big buttons and small buttons to every new connection. See UsersMotd, ButtnMotd, ConnectBtn.
In FULL/PROS Airio this could be done by scheduled or custom commands, in a fashion.
For server rules usually ButtnMotd items are used, that can display up to 20 or 24 (not sure now) lines. The Decline button (that would simply kick people) is such a funny and useless idea I repeatedly refused to implement it. Can anyone tell me who would press this button, seriously? (I do it sometimes on Lapper servers just to have a bit of fun.)
It caused massive server lag but instead of moving the moment of execution, I rewrote the whole script with PHP and Sqlite / Airio.db3.
HUGE performance increase. As expected
I'm very pleased with that SQLite thing.
I want to report something else, now that I'm writing anyway...
A racer finds it quite annoying that when he blocks messages (with the dash button) that the commands with exclamation mark still come through. I told him about the !opt option but he argued that it still don't need to work this way.
I agreed but maybe you have no choice to do it this way?
Well, the commands display is a double-sided thing. At the beginning I had all commands hidden, always. The very very bad side of this is many people will never realize there are such things as Airio commands. So I decided to artificially duplicate the commands - original command is always hidden, but its compiled form is optionally displayed to every connection. (That's why simple copy using T and arrows will fail, name will be included.)
Of course anyone has the option of hiding the typed commands, in !opt. Admins may set hidden commands as the default for every new user or for every new connection. AS Drift King says, Shift + - will block all InSim messages, but I'm not sure the guy wants that. I guess he wants just commands blocked when he blocks messages? Uhm, I can see the logic behind that, and I think I'll try to implement it.
It will require a little trick, but it is possible. An optional extension could be, that when someone writes to a guy with blocked messages, this fact is made known, so that it is clear why he is not responding. Details need to be worked out, but it could work and it could be in fact a useful feature.
Thx a lot for the info as well as the logs. My initial guess (no logs reading yet): There was a bug (very rare one, I hope) causing old car type assignment (XFG) to remain in effect on race join with LX4. Unfortunately correction will require code change, in two respects to be sure: 1) Removing the bug. 2) Sending to AIRW car type as seen in the lap finish packet (if available, I need to check) and not car type assigned internally to the driver. These changes should make the system more reliable...
What is the difference between playerpoints and drivingpoints? Where do these consist?
I looking in this thread and Airio main page, but not found answer for that.
In the !top [car] display, on the title line (Server best recorded laps - BL1/FO8 (6) for example) also include the current WR along with sectors.
I see a fair amount of people doing !top and !wr one after the other, would be nice to streamline it so that you can compare the !top laps to the WR without switching between the two.
I dunno what I would suggest if they simply do !top and it returns a class of cars (or worse yet, multiple classes). If it's a class of cars maybe the fastest WR among the class (maybe a configurable option to switch between current car, fastest of current class, or fastest of all cars shown in !top)?
They are simply two kinds of top-level points. On each server you may activate both, one, or none. You may also activate those only for some special events and thus they're great for keeping a series score or something. Usually I have both turned off on every server, and turn on Playing points for a special Saturday demo race, and Driving points for different Sunday race. After the events the points are set to false again, and !ptp and !ptd always show Saturday/Sunday races positions...
Well, as you mention, there are certain problems with this. One is space - where to show the info. The other one is when multiple car types are used in !top... Well, let me think about it.
On another note, the above reported bug was result of an unfortunate sequence of events. But it is not a rare sequence, so code needs to be updated. I'll be sending the update info soon. For now please when you do manual track change using /track, send everyone to spectate after the new track is loaded using !sall. When using automatic track rotation this is not necessary.
You mean that ppoints and dpoints are identical, if both are set "true"? Same points from: fastestlaps, podiums, winning ... etc. And champspoints too?
Thanks for the tip, I'll use this in the future ...
Could you not just include the WR holders name and time in the !top list with a different colour, displayed in the same way as the other times/sectors? Maybe by adding the WR data into the server sta files, this would overcome troubles when (for example) !top tbo is called?
Also would it be possible that when !bls is called, your own best lap time (LFSW) would be shown at the end of each line....no room to include sector times but just an overall comparison would be great.