We still get debug-messages even when set to "false"

"DEBUG : Sending global stats -..."

"DEBUG : ButtonClick - Clicked ID : ..."
Quote from Flame CZE :Is this a bug? Look at the WR line, there is nothing in the perentheses (). I think there should logically be the WR holder username.

I could've installed the update wrong too...
Quote from Flame CZE :Is this a bug? Look at the WR line, there is nothing in the perentheses (). I think there should logically be the WR holder username.

...tested with a fresh WR on AS3/FZ3/FX3 a few minutes ago.

Fixed (at least on our servers)

Quote from Welder99 :...some command not work e.g. "!timew" (or !tmw) "No data availlable..."

Works like a charm. Just do some laps with the new version.

For some reason airio won´t display the podiums in the last line (!ptt).
Attached images
Quote from VoiD :
For some reason airio won´t display the podiums in the last line (!ptt).

It is the same in the last line of !prs.
Quote from VoiD :
Works like a charm. Just do some laps with the new version.

How many is "some"? I do 4 laps in SO5 with XFG:

!tms - works ok
!tma - works ok
!tmw - "No data display..."

Is there some options, what needs to be set true? (these LFSW options) pubstat key is ok.
Quote from Crady :No. The string I use is exactly the same I posted above.

Then I don't understand how it could be possible... Are you sure the TrackRotate item is empty? (Because it takes precedence...)

Quote from Crady :Hmm... that´s exactly the way Airio stores such characters itself in the stats files...

If you're using tab-separated stats (which I'd suggest), you may find all names in full Unicode in the STA.UN file, one before last item on each row it is, not the 2nd one which is LFS bytes. (Another option could be to copy the necessary Unicode characters from the LFSEI table?)

Quote from franky500 :500servers CP now has updated core files available.

Thanks a lot!

Quote from Framaris :@EQ Worry: if you're looking to give your wife a reason to divorce you, keep working on your laptop when she's enjoying the Italian sun...


Quote from Flame CZE :Is this a bug? Look at the WR line, there is nothing in the perentheses (). I think there should logically be the WR holder username.

Indeed it is some a bug, two bugs in fact. I have corrected the VRS (virtual records) file generation on the AIRW server, changes will be propagated soon. Until small Airio update unfortunately only 1st part of names with spaces will be shown, but at least the parenthesis will not be empty. And anyway, who cares about incorrect display of usernames for people that use spaces? Uhm...

Quote from Welder99 :10.07.14 15:07:45 #1 C26P00 welder99 - LFSW OS data not downloaded...
10.07.14 15:07:57 #1 C26P00 welder99 - LFSW PB data not downloaded...
Also some command not work e.g. "!timew" (or !tmw) "No data availlable..."

Seems to me like incorrectly configured LFSW access key. If using paid service, make sure you have credit. If using free service, the key entered in Airio's CFG file must NOT be used anywhere else AND ALSO no other keys under the same account may not be used anywhere else.

Quote from VoiD :We still get global-stats-debug-messages even when set to "false" "DEBUG : Sending global stats -..."

Oops, sorry, this one together with button click escaped my attention.

Quote from VoiD :For some reason airio won´t display the podiums in the last line (!ptt).

Yup, it is a know inconsistence, Airio runs out of buttons...
Quote :Then I don't understand how it could be possible... Are you sure the TrackRotate item is empty? (Because it takes precedence...)

Yes I am... I will send you the complete srv file via email when you are back...
Quote from EQ Worry :... And anyway, who cares about incorrect display of usernames for people that use spaces? Uhm...

Yes, we are unlucky
Quote from EQ Worry :
Seems to me like incorrectly configured LFSW access key. If using paid service, make sure you have credit. If using free service, the key entered in Airio's CFG file must NOT be used anywhere else AND ALSO no other keys under the same account may not be used anywhere else.

Sorry, but now I don't understand. Where I get this "access key"? I put in CFG-file (IdentKey) my LFS-World username. Is that right?

I use free service until is clear this works ok.
- Login @ http://www.lfsworld.net/ and go to "My LFSW settings" -> "Pubstat access".

- generate your personal ident-key by clicking on the button

- copy that key into your airio.cfg.txt: IdentKey=blahblah83gnj46njd9etcpp

- upload the updated cfg.txt

- !rld your configs or restart AIRIO
Quote from Welder99 :Sorry, but now I don't understand. Where I get this "access key"? I put in CFG-file (IdentKey) my LFS-World username. Is that right?

I use free service until is clear this works ok.

No you must go to lfsworld.net, click the preferences icon, then pubstat access tab.
The you will find a Generate pubstat key option, where you must put your server ip. This number then goes in the cfg file.

EDIT: dam you VoiD!!!!!
I don't think this AIRW is possible.

And I get reports that there are more wrong times.

BL1,BL1R,AS4,KY2 FX2...
Attached images
It´s his FXR-pb, made before Worry included the "saving of personal best stats"-thingie in v.2.4.4.

Should be deleted...
Quote from VoiD :- Login @ http://www.lfsworld.net/ and go to "My LFSW settings" -> "Pubstat access"
- generate your personal ident-key by clicking on the button

Now all works fine! Thank you!

Maybe it would be good to find some instructions... in one place and clearly.
Is it possible to run airio in invisible mode so I wont see it in my taskbar? Maybe run from .bat ? Need help here.
Quote from cargame.nl :Dunno, look at the name if you do a !wr fx2 as3r... Don't know whats going on but it's wrong and yes it should be deleted... Website says JackyCY though...

After a closer look I believe these are in fact two separate problems. The first one is that !wr shows incorrect data (at least the name, but sometimes time as well) for some cars on reversed tracks. This hidden bug is now corrected.

The second thing is some impossible custom car lap times stored on AIRW. I see only one way this could happen: 1) A guy joins with FX2, the used handicaps are stored. 2) Later he joins with FXR, but there is an error in the joining routine before the handicaps are updated. 3) He's driving with FXR, but on lap finishes the old handicaps are sent along, and he's seen as using FX2.

I have now updated Airio code, added a check the joining routine was completed and handicaps updated. Only if the check succeeds data are sent to AIRW. This update will be available in Airio 2.4.7 to be released after some testing of newly implemented waved flags and temporarily closed pitlane for joining (see the changelog).

The question is what to do with current AIRW data. For now I guess the best course would be to simply remove the impossible times. If you can help me to identify the items, I'll be grateful. When we're pretty sure the AIRW updates work reliably, an option would be to remove all the custom car lap times and start gathering new, clean data.
Don't know if this has been posted here, but last night I was checking AIWR and when I used !bl fe3 fx2 or !bl FE3 FX2 I would get two different drivers with the same lap time....
Perhaps there really is a problem with capitalized characters... As you remember I had problems with the track rotation to BL1R (changed to BL1 instead) - when using bl1r it worked as suggested...
Quote from Framaris :Don't know if this has been posted here, but last night I was checking AIWR and when I used !bl fe3 fx2 or !bl FE3 FX2 I would get two different drivers with the same lap time....

Indeed the !wr command was not working quite correctly with lower/uppercase track characters (uppercase would give you correct results). The bug is corrected now (I think), ready for update in 2.4.7. Crady, I do not see a way this little bug could be connected with track rotations. But when I'm back home I'll be happy to run tests using your configs, which is the best way to unhide problems.
I use capitalized track names in my rotation schemes (full) for like months and didn't experience any problem whatsoever.

Like I said before, remove the spaces between >

I don't have spaces there.

This "debug messages" in log file start every day about 01:38 and continue 1380 times / 24h. (one / minute)
10.07.17 00:01:38 DEBUG : Sending global stats - 131

How I switch this off?

Airi 2.4.6 full.
Hello to all!
Is possible to set the duration of countdown race (the time you are deployed on the grid waiting turn on the start lights)?
thanks in advance!

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
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