iPhone 4
(480 posts, started )
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Excellent, lets take a bunch of out of context posts and bring them in, especially sarcastic, humourous posts from a ****ing SOCCER thread! The Winamp point is Winamps fault, as it was, by default, taking over associations where it shouldn't have, and I told it specifically NOT to.

My Comparision of the PS3 is correct, as you're saying that if it can't do something out of the box it's shit. If I went and bought a Windows machine, I couldn't expect it to play an AVI in XVid or DivX, or a .mov file.. However I can do that effortlessly with my PS3.

If you're letting your computer install applications to support something.. surprise, I can install MobileVLC or one of the many MPlayer front ends that exist in Cydia. So yeah, my iPhone can play DivX or XVid.

And I'm sorry, your iPad Nano remark is retarded. It'd be like me calling a Mini a Smart MEGASIZE!

those comments were not taken out of context. you mentioned that my posts were garbage. i was showing the quallity of your posts. they were neither sarcastic or funny. they were more like trolling. the posts i quoted were only a handfull from the first page of your post history. and it wasn't just one thread now was it?

i took one from :The inevitable picture thread
and one from: FIFA South Africa 2010
and one from: Iphone 4
and one from: "open with" problems (win7)

and about your winamp adventure. maybe computers are just too much for you. i'm running win7 and winamp works a treat for me. vlc plays the files i want it to. wmp plays the CD's i want it to. although you're sure you configured it correctly. wouldn't it be possible that you still did it wrong (another apple slogan)?
after all, this Irish guy can do it and you can't even get the installation of a simple program like winamp to work how you want it. thank God macs only have one mouse button eh?

Quote from dawesdust_12 :And I'm sorry, your iPad Nano remark is retarded. It'd be like me calling a Mini a Smart MEGASIZE!

wrong again. it's whitty. it'd be like you calling a mini a nanobus. but austin didn't make busses did they?

i'm surprised uk airports are still open with the amount of bullshit you're spouting.
Quote from tristancliffe :Ydespite knowing as much about aerial design as a dead hamster

and theres your problem
every antenna engineer i know is massively amused by how badly apple designed the antennas on their phone
Uh, no.. You wouldn't call something that came first the mini of something that came later... You're insistant on the iPad Nano as the iPhone, except chronologically (by release).. iPhone came first.

About the Winamp thing.. I did full well tell it "Don't **** with my associations"... I told it never to run that stupid Agent thing, everything.. yet somehow, I'd watch a movie, tell Windows "yeah, use VLC".. oh wait.. tomorrow morning, after setting "ALWAYS OPEN WITH".. magically Winamp took it over again. Wasn't just me with that problem either, so trying to call me stupid for something that isn't an isolated issue, means you're just a carpet biting tool, trying to find more ways to insult me.

Blah blah, one mouse button jab.. How original, seeing macs have shipped with 2 button mice for years, and even have had the ability to right click prior to that too. Come up with some new material. Us Mac users have had tonnes of new comebacks for Windows, heck.. Vista was an entire punchline for years!. Try something new for a change

Finally, Who cares about my post history. Yeah I post trolling remarks, but all you seem to post is some way to start an argument with everyone. Yeah I understand as an Irishman, booze and fighting are a way of life.. but sometimes, shutting the **** up is a good idea too!
Quote from Shotglass :and theres your problem
every antenna engineer i know is massively amused by how badly apple designed the antennas on their phone

So you hang out with antenna engineers?
Quote from dawesdust_12 : "Don't **** with my associations"

see, that's where you went wrong. winamp can't hear you. nor does it understand english.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :trying to call me stupid for something that isn't an isolated issue, means you're just a carpet biting tool, trying to find more ways to insult me.

no, you're doing a fine job on your own. i can't take credit for that.and when was calling someone a retard not considered an insult?
carpet biter..lmao, that's what she said.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :
Finally, Who cares about my post history. Yeah I post trolling remarks, but all you seem to post is some way to start an argument with everyone.

learn how to follow a conversation. you said my posts were garbage. i showed that the quallity of your posts were not as good as you may think. so yeah, in the context of this conversation, your post history is quite important.
if you want, you can check my post history. i think you'll find that i have been quite helpful for a while now and only tend to argue with the numpties.

Quote from dawesdust_12 : Yeah I understand as an Irishman, booze and fighting are a way of life.. but sometimes, shutting the **** up is a good idea too!

wow. i don't know whether to laugh at your last ditch attempt to end this conversation with the upper hand or report it for racism. after all, you wouldn't call an afro-american a cotton picker?
but i'll let you in on a little secret ok. i've only drank twice this year and haven't fought since i was a teenager.
do you fall for stereotypes much?
but back to the iphone. for me, again it doesn't meet my needs (a bit like a console, i don't own one either). i like a camera above 5mpx (my current phone has 8mpx), i want it to have a good sound for my mp3 (dolby mobile works on mp3 too) and i want to be able to interchange the storage (2x32gb). i want it touch screen and the battery has to be good.
now, my current phone ticks all those boxes except the last one.
wyou with such a vast understanding of all things apple. can the iphone match or beat my current phone?
Touch Screen on the iPhone is uncomparable to any phone on the market today (it has the best accuracy, along with having the smallest deadzone on the edge of the display. Battery on my iPhone lasts me 2 days with mild texting/music over BT to car. If I am heavily using it (like solid).. I get about 6 hours of battery life.. but that's constant use on internet and texts.

MP isn't everything in a Camera, and if you see some of the shots taken with the iPhone 4, they are magnificent, even compared to point and shoot cameras.

Sound.. well, you're SOL there.. but does it honestly matter that much? The whole Dolby Digital and shit is all bogus anyways. It's a lot of effort put into selling a name, that doesn't do much effort. I don't have any qualms with my iPhones sound quality over BT or 3mm jack..

Storage, yeah.. you're stuck at eitehr 16 or 32 GB.. but more and more, there's streaming services coming into greater use (and exist now) that stream music and video from your home computer, so it's less important to have large GB on a phone.

Different needs, you basically want a ****ing laptop that can make calls, I want a phone that is my iPod, can run some useful tools for doing stuff on the go, and taking pictures of barriers that have been destroyed by a car.
i agree you can get good shots from <5mpx camera phones (with the right setting of course) but i find my camera on my phone to be really good. the pictures are sharp. i can record video at a nice resolution too (not 720p i think). the 120fps record is a nice little gimmick. lets you record in super slowmo.
imo apple got their apps spot on and now everyone else is playing the catch up. imo that's why alot of people buy the iphone. but i could be wrong.
the dolby mobile works fine for me. it adds a bit more to the overall sound quallity. and i can really tell the difference.
Yeah. The iPhone still struggles with low light shots, but most camera phones do. The LED flash helps a bit, but not enough. There are some gorgeous shots I've seen so far from them. It was one of the big draws for me. Heck, my 3GS takes some decent shots too.
if you could change one thing on the iphone (any generation) what would it be? i'm interested to know what an avid apple user would change if given the chance. for me, i'm a dj so the one thing i would change on my technics would be to remove the 0% deadzone in the pitch slider (if you've used technics 1200's you'd know my gripe lol).
It's kinda strange, if I could change anything on my iPhone. It'd be "Give me another IDE to develop with"... Yes Objective-C is great, but having something else like C# would be nice.

The phone itself, I don't have issues with the hardware. Expandable storage isn't high on my list (My last phone only had 4 GB, internal, no external). I don't need or want a super awesome camera, I don't need sound to be perfectly awesome.. audible is good enough . The hardware, atleast in my 3GS.. is pretty much perfect for me. The software is polished enough to be awesome.

I would just like an alternative for a development language. Objective-C is great, don't get me wrong.. but I just can't think in MVC like Apple wants the developers to, so I can't develop anything for iPhone. C# is typically event driven, so you press a button.. stuff happens, and that's how I feel comfortable developing. Having that MVC that Apple pushes, but having that Event driven cycle as an option would be very nice to have.
have we reached understanding :jawdrop:
Quote from logitekg25 :have we reached understanding :jawdrop:

you don't need us to always hold your hand. come to your own conclusion .

I have a possibility of buying an iPhone 4 via official Apple Store (online) and have the phone sent to Austria (where my father works and can pick it up for me). Or at least it seems like it is possible to do so.


Will it be possible to use that phone over here in Slovakia? The phone will be unlocked, not contracted, simply a fully paid iPhone original. I believe it will (disregard the Micro SIM format, it's a "non-issue").

Question numéro deux:

Will it be later possible to update the iOS to a version, that contains slovak language? (at least for the quick text input dictionary, I don't need the slovak interface)

Question numéro trois:

What type of electrical wall outlets do you Brits use? 110V? 230V? You know, I might not always charge my phone from the USB.

Thank you very much, over and out.
Quote from breadfan :Question numéro trois:

What type of electrical wall outlets do you Brits use? 110V? 230V? You know, I might not always charge my phone from the USB.

This is what we use in the UK.
Well i got an email yesterday from Apple store saying my iphone 4 had been shipped and ive just put the tracking number into TNT's tracker and to only find out its coming directly from China! since when did they do this? i thought Apple would have had an outlet of some sort in europe not them shipped directly from the manufacturer in China
Quote from trebor901 :Well i got an email yesterday from Apple store saying my iphone 4 had been shipped and ive just put the tracking number into TNT's tracker and to only find out its coming directly from China! since when did they do this? i thought Apple would have had an outlet of some sort in europe not them shipped directly from the manufacturer in China

You're getting a chinese replica, muahahahah
Quote from Boris Lozac :You're getting a chinese replica, muahahahah

what straight from Apple Store? although with the way my luck is it probably will be the wrong version, then i will find and punch Steve Jobs in the head
Quote from trebor901 :what straight from Apple Store?

Yeah straight from Aple (with one "p") store
i guess they've just got so many orders they've decided to ship them directly from the supplier instead of them being shipped to their distribution center in europe
Got mine on Friday - on O2 as T-Mobile's tariffs weren't very good, and I couldn't bring myself to buy one from a supermarket (oh the shame I'd have felt every time I saw Tesco on the screen!!!)

It's great. So much better than the 3G. The screen really is stunning to look at. No reception problems at all, although now it is in it's case just in case I drop it. In fact the whole thing is working beautifully - no proximity sensor problems, no dropped calls, no antenna issues......

I fitted an Invisiblesheild thingy, but they're rubbish in my opinion. The edge pieces don't really fit nicely, and the whole thing is very orange-peely, and has too much grip to make using the screen pleasant. Plus the case (which any sensible person would use) tends to push the edges of the film off the screen, leaving bubbles and creases. So I've removed it, and reverted to a 'standard' screen protector. I didn't do a good job of fitting that though, and have a couple of bits of dirt under the screen...

Easily worth the money to upgrade over the 3G, especially as I can sell the 3G on eBay or via O2 Recycle (or similar) for most of the cost of the new phone. Hurrah!
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Video Calling has never been done though well. Especially in North America, where when it did happen.. it was retardedly expensive.. now it's put into such disuse, that I know one person with a video calling capable phone.. and she didn't even notice it until I did.

It might as well have not existed until the iPhone 4.

Amp: "This Changes Everything" is a perfectly correct slogan. Nobody in North America Videocalls anymore on a mobile phone.. iPhone 4 comes out.. magically there's now a million Video Call capable phones, and that's just US alone. Canada will come soon enough.

Boom, magically you've went from nobody had them to tons of people.. That seems like a large change to me.

It's just how fad appears whenever Apple launches something, people are all hyped up, plays with it for a while, competitors follows suit because "Apple did it and we must have it", then people realize they don't need that feature afterall.

Video calling, where's the benefit? Most of the people don't look good with a camera 5 inches infront of them, and it takes away the ability to see where you are going when you walk. The idea itself is pretty redundant.

Which is not a criticism to the Apple brand, they can do that because they have massive drawing power. However from a product design point of view, it is just another example of excess design and functionality produced not for the sake of usability, but product differentiation.
with the bullshit that is going on with the shipping at the moment i will never be ordering from Apple store again not when it comes to something this expensive
Got mine today... popped down to Best Buy at lunch and they had about 20 in stock. Changed over from iPhone simplicity to a new iPhone contract on the spot with no problems.

Pretty much exactly the same thoughts as you Tristan - the screen is nice and it's a big step up in speed from a 3G. Lovely piece of kit!

iPhone 4
(480 posts, started )