those comments were not taken out of context. you mentioned that my posts were garbage. i was showing the quallity of your posts. they were neither sarcastic or funny. they were more like trolling. the posts i quoted were only a handfull from the first page of your post history. and it wasn't just one thread now was it?
i took one from :The inevitable picture thread
and one from: FIFA South Africa 2010
and one from: Iphone 4
and one from: "open with" problems (win7)
and about your winamp adventure. maybe computers are just too much for you. i'm running win7 and winamp works a treat for me. vlc plays the files i want it to. wmp plays the CD's i want it to. although you're sure you configured it correctly. wouldn't it be possible that you still did it wrong (another apple slogan)?
after all, this Irish guy can do it and you can't even get the installation of a simple program like winamp to work how you want it. thank God macs only have one mouse button eh?
wrong again. it's whitty. it'd be like you calling a mini a nanobus. but austin didn't make busses did they?
i'm surprised uk airports are still open with the amount of bullshit you're spouting.