The online racing simulator
Team LFS Setup Station
(121 posts, started )
#1 - D34N0
Team LFS Setup Station
I am in the process of creating a setup station for LFS setups that teams can use and have available on their own web space. It will have a user login interface, basic general & admin groups and functionality to add, rename, delete setups etc...

Many Thanks

Current Available Translations :English, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Croation, Icelandic

EDIT 22/08/06 - Beta Version Updated to v0.970a See Change Log File
If updating from a version prior to 0.953 you will need to run the file trackupdate.sql file in the install folder. All previous Versions need to run the file usersupdate.sql in the install folder (Remember to create a backup first)

EDIT 28/11/07 - It has been found if the PHP version on the web server is upgraded the setup station will not function properly. I have attached a patch for this. You will need to extract the file into the includes folder of the setup station on the web server.

EDIT 16/01/08 - I have attached a file containing the required files to upgrade the setup station to Patch Y specifications. View the file in readme folder first. "Always make a backup of your files before upgrading"
Attached images
Attached files
changelog.txt - 2.6 KB - 668 views - 1.4 KB - 988 views
Setup Station - 420.7 KB - 2215 views
Patch-2007-11-28.rar - 25.5 KB - 670 views
Upgrade To Patch - 12.2 KB - 510 views
#2 - JTM29
39.11 comments ay?
Hehe, nah looks good mate, ill be interested in it
The comment IS 39.11 (i.e. thats the laptime the setup has acheived).

Looking good Dean, but I've told you that already.
That's a good ideia, but just a question:

- Is this for allowing people to search for a set? Or is it only for the racers to keep their sets in there (and for private use)?
#5 - D34N0
Quote from eRaptor :That's a good ideia, but just a question:

- Is this for allowing people to search for a set? Or is it only for the racers to keep their sets in there (and for private use)?

It is for a team or group of individuals wishing to keep, search, add, delete setups between themselves. The admin of a setup station would allow access to individuals who would then logon to the station.

Hope that answers your question.

I'm on the Dutch translation, expect it in about 15 minutes.

Edit: done. I can imagine some translations are not a 100% correct so I hereby promise to polish the translations as soon as I've seen them in the application.

Thanks for your work, it looks very promising!
Attached files
attachment_NL.doc - 94.5 KB - 467 views

That's a great concept. (kind like LFSWORLD).
Quick question: What makes it better than Inferno?

I don't mean to sound negative, but I know LOTS of peopel are already using that, it may be hard to get them to switch.
Quote from szyszek :Quick question: What makes it better than Inferno?

I don't mean to sound negative, but I know LOTS of peopel are already using that, it may be hard to get them to switch.

It doesn't. This is something for "teams" to use if they wish. Like when you download a setup from Inferno, then you make some slight modifications to it, you like to share it with your team. As you see from Dean's screen shot, we always give credit to who actually designed the Setup.

As well as just Setups, this also contains the amount of fuel is used at each track.

Dean's not trying to make something that beats Inferno, its just another option for Individual Teams
Quote from szyszek :Quick question: What makes it better than Inferno?

I don't mean to sound negative, but I know LOTS of peopel are already using that, it may be hard to get them to switch.

I'm not trying to get people to switch from Team Inferno. That site is great and holds the WR setups that the holders wish to share.

If you download a set from Team Inferno it may not suit your driving style so you either modify it or get one from someone else. This is a repository for a team or group of individuals to share their setups between themselves. The sets may not be WR Hotlap setups but race setups.


EDIT: You beat me to It Fordie
I think I should clear things up this is a website application to be used by Teams or a group of individuals to store the setups they wish to share between themselves.

It will also display Setup Station members online status, when searching for a car and track combination it will display there PB, HL and the WR using LFSW Pubstats, also it will hold car & track Fuel data that the members enter.

It is NOT meant to be a competitor to the Team Inferno website as there setups are available to everyone.



EDIT: Anyone wishing to do Translations please use the form in the first post. Thanks
D34NO, drop me a line via PM or something - I'd been working on a similar idea a while ago.

Just let me know what your idea is, and I'll see if I can contribute in some way I have stacks of PHP code here that I did for it, and whilst I'm not willing to give it away (because some of it is dreadfully inefficient), I am happy to rework some of it and let you use it, or whatever
Makes sense now guys, thanks

A really good thing that it can also be used for different sims!
I've made such a system myself for Team XFR some time ago. If you would like to have a look at it just PM me and i'll see if I could digg it back up

It's a great tool for teams or groups, so keep up the good work!

Please, create CATEGORIES for the Setups. So you can have setups for:
- Hotlap
- Long Races
- Shor Races
- Drift
- Drag Racing
- etc....

Good Luck!
Quote from regispicanco :SUGESTION!

Please, create CATEGORIES for the Setups. So you can have setups for:
- Hotlap
- Long Races
- Shor Races
- Drift
- Drag Racing
- etc....

Good Luck!

That may be included in a later version as would involve adding categories to the database and amending all the code and triggers to take these into consideration. In the mean time you could add in the comments Hotlap etc... and do a search to find all sets with hotlap etc.. in.

Updated Dutch translation after the test, should be fine now.
Attached files
attachment_NL[1].doc - 95.5 KB - 354 views
Are you still working on that Dean? Because my team and I think many others are really interested in that
Quote from RSchumacher :Are you still working on that Dean? Because my team and I think many others are really interested in that

It is currently at BETA 0.91 and has been attached to the First post. If anyone wishes to test and let me know of any issues it would be appreciated.

Many Thanks

I was asked to have a quick look at this with possibility of using it on our team site, but after spending 2 mins looking at 3 files, I thought I'd drop a post here to let you know that it's insecure.

The 'addmember.tib.php' for example is open to SQL injection attacks as you don't validate the form data for anything but an empty string.

Not slating your work, but thought you and anyone else running it should be aware. Unfortunately I don't have time to go through it all or work with it, but hope this small snippet of info will help you go through the other scripts and double check for things


Quote from Ian.H :Deano..

I was asked to have a quick look at this with possibility of using it on our team site, but after spending 2 mins looking at 3 files, I thought I'd drop a post here to let you know that it's insecure.

The 'addmember.tib.php' for example is open to SQL injection attacks as you don't validate the form data for anything but an empty string.

Not slating your work, but thought you and anyone else running it should be aware. Unfortunately I don't have time to go through it all or work with it, but hope this small snippet of info will help you go through the other scripts and double check for things



Hi Ian

Thanks for that. Please excuse me if this seems a silly question as my knowledge of programming php is self taught.
I'm not sure how that would work as the file can only be opened via the include statement, the form is opened by an user that is specified with admin access set in the users table as is the same for other trigger files.

I have a problem.
If i try to add member it doesnt encrypt password and member cant login.
php is on freebsd-server and sql is mysql on linux-server.

Other things work
Quote from Tunaaja :I have a problem.
If i try to add member it doesnt encrypt password and member cant login.
php is on freebsd-server and sql is mysql on linux-server.

Other things work

Hi Tunaaja

Thanks for pointing that out. I forgot to add the encryption code illepall

To save you downloading the files again copy the file in the attached file into the Triggers folder on your server. Would you also amend the version number in the page.class.php file in the Includes folder to 0.92.

See first post

Many Thanks
nice man, very nice

but one problem here...
can't open the ZIP file

a error pops up:
"no valid zip archive"...

don't know why...maybe it's only on my PC...

and, you forgot to write in the install doc that the folder
setups should be chmodded 777...

one thing:
how can i log off?
Quote from CrazyICE :nice man, very nice

but one problem here...
can't open the ZIP file

a error pops up:
"no valid zip archive"...

don't know why...maybe it's only on my PC...

and, you forgot to write in the install doc that the folder
setups should be chmodded 777...

one thing:
how can i log off?

Thanks, glad you like it
I've had no problems with the zip file try installing WinZip or WinRAR on your PC. Did it work after the chmod?
Will add chmod into the install doc.
Logoff by using the link called Logout it should be the First link on the left

Team LFS Setup Station
(121 posts, started )