Quote from bbman :I can only assume you've never tried it and are talking out of your arse... Apart from the added memory footprint - of which TDU's own was way too large to begin with - there was a difference in playback between the cheaper and the more expensive cars, windows up or down made a difference (also to the engine note) and cars that had no radio (like the Caterham) also had no music playing...

You're the one talking out of your arse
I really can't be bothered to make my own video, but here's one that kind of shows that you're wrong. Note how NOTHING changes from outside view to cockpit view, NOTHING AT ALL. Radio also plays just fine in the Caterham (and even bikes for that matter), and only from the left and right channels. There is no change in quality between different cars.
Morpha, windows up or down does affect how the sound plays back.
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Morpha, windows up or down does affect how the sound plays back.

Not the music, which is the only thing I was talking about.
Can you back up your claims? I can distinctly remember hearing the difference between music with windows up/down
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Can you back up your claims? I can distinctly remember hearing the difference between music with windows up/down

Just try it yourself, mute everything but music and try all the different vehicles. Whether it's a bike, a convertible, an expensive vehicle, a cheap one, windows up, windows down, in a tunnel or not, cockpit view, chase cam... the music stays the same.
Would if I could find my disc
Just tried it, and no, I don't notice any difference with the Music when the windows are up or down. I only notice a difference in Engine and Ambient sounds.
Quote from MAGGOT :There's been absolutely no mention to the biggest problem[...] nor to the second biggest problem (frequent crashing).

My game has never, ever crashed (TDU 1).
Quote from Velociround :My game has never, ever crashed (TDU 1).

I only had crashes on the online beta, but when I bought the game, I never had any crash
Quote from Velociround :My game has never, ever crashed (TDU 1).

Same, it's stable.

Music does not change with windows up or down, engine and sounds around you do.
I owe you an apology Morpha, music doesn't change at all. My bad for thinking it did
Quote from Velociround :My game has never, ever crashed (TDU 1).

Quote from Specht77 :I only had crashes on the online beta, but when I bought the game, I never had any crash

Quote from Bose321 :Same, it's stable.

Music does not change with windows up or down, engine and sounds around you do.

I, and many others, experience frequent crashes. Granted this occurs on platforms where there's so many different combinations of hardware, but the fact of the matter is that it is not as stable as a finished product should be. And the crappy road surface. Crappy, crappy road surface.
The environment looks nice. Here is another trailer, with the new Paul Oakenfold song:


At 0:42, you can see the HUD. The map seems to be a downgrade from the first game though.
Loving it, loved the first Looking forward to the beta
Am I really the only one who thinks the wheels like really boxy, and strange?
Quote from el pibe :maybe they modeled them following fry's model?



But they look so weird, it's 1 big sidewall, and there's no round shape to them. Makes it look cartoon-ish, I don't know, I can't really put my finger on it.. but I don't like how it looks.
Hopefully though it's still in the making.
nothing new about the beta?
Yeah, it has begun, so they say. All posts about it are getting removed from their forum, and most topics are getting closed. I hope it's still in early stage, because I still have not got my email.
Quote from Bose321 : I hope it's still in early stage, because I still have not got my email.

Maybe you just haven't been selected? I know that's hard for you to understand, as you see yourself as an epic-l33tz0r gamer who they obviously should have added to the beta program instantly.
Just maybe not this time, get over it.
It's only 1 and a half months before it releases anyway, so what's the big deal. You really can't wait that long? You can't possibly find something else to do in the meantime?
??????? why you're so angry with him?
Quote from Specht77 :??????? why you're so angry with him?

I doubt his angry at him. Just over his elitist attitude, nothing lives up to his exceptions, the whole world revolves around him ect.
Quote from Stiggie :Maybe you just haven't been selected? I know that's hard for you to understand, as you see yourself as an epic-l33tz0r gamer who they obviously should have added to the beta program instantly.
Just maybe not this time, get over it.
It's only 1 and a half months before it releases anyway, so what's the big deal. You really can't wait that long? You can't possibly find something else to do in the meantime?

It's more like 2 months, and why are you being such a big idiot? Get over yourself.
Quote from Bose321 :It's more like 2 months, and why are you being such a big idiot? Get over yourself.


(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48

Test Drive Unlimited 2
(984 posts, started )