Quote from nfsjunkie91 :1. Dorifto. I hate the fact that they say that! Does this make them any cooler?! Agh!
2. Skins. Ridiculous amounts of logos slapped on top of a skin with some horrible gradient colors.
3. When they think they can drift and can't - especially when the ram you and then scream at you because they were pulling a "SYK DORIFTO!!"


4. Movies. Oh my GOD the MOVIES! Make it end! At least get some CAMERA ANGLES RIGHT! USE THAT VIEW SMOOTH BUTTON!


5. Begging for you to go on SO City Long just so they can drift - Not much else to say but SHADDUP!

Solutions to your built-up rage:
1. Don't join drift servers, they are always clearly labelled.
2. See above
3. See above
4. Then don't download and watch the movies.
5. Drifters ask YOU personally to go to a different track so THEY can drift? Sorry, I don't understand that one.
5.When running a Cops and Robbers server they sometimes will.
I tried my hand at drifting when i was a bit of a noob at lfs, purly because everyone was doing it. I even made a video *embarisment* but im just shite in comparison to some so i've given it up. Although i never joined a server and asked for another track (well, technicly i cant because theres only blackwood in the demo but blackwood rev seems to be what most drift servers in the demo run)

If my car decides to go sideways on a corner i can get it back going straight rather fast and smoothly, hardly spin anymore which imo was probably down to the small drifting knowledge i have.
i drift to release stress, that's when i drift. I drag to have a close race, that's when i drag. And i race so that there is always race, that's when i race. You talk about the "Ex3trem3 drift3z". There are very little "Ex3trem3 drift3z" so i wouldn't complain about this. The drift servers are very clearly stated.What do you think DRIFT THROUGH GEARS mean? Also, this isn't off topic from lfs(or at least not as much as the other topics).

When running your server you don't have to change your track so don't listen to them.
Quote from Rappa Z :i drift to release stress,

Lol, you're 12 , how can you have stress ?, wait till you hit your 30's (the stress of LFS racing, :rolleyes: lol, kids, eh ! :insane: )

A couple of years ago on Top Gear they had a bunch of Japanese drifter's trying out the new Monaro. And the skill of these guys was phenomenal. I've seen quite a few drifting vids and mpr's on LFS, and the same again, phenomenal. The level of skill it takes to drive like this, is way, way beyond my abilities, so i give a big thumbs up to all the guys who do this.

It's not my kind of thing, but i certainly respect the skill needed to do it well.

[edit] because of \/ \/
Quote from Mazz4200 :Lol, you're 14, how can you have stress ?

I'm not 14. Even younger. I release the stress of lfs racing.
Quote from Igor-Stallion :I started drifting in LFS because i really love it...but i hate those "dorifto" guys...on demo serevrs theres only a few great drifters...lot of good drifters....a nd bunch of noobs

I would say that i am good at drift...i even drift better in XFG(yes i know its FWD) than lot of people with XRT on demo forums....

I agree, but what do I know, I suck at almost every part of this game, on top of being a demo noob.
My prediction for the future: Even more of the stereotypical "DORIFTOERS" are going to be assaulting my insanity because of this movie: FNF3.
hahaha! I garuntee every teenager in my town will go see FNF3. The movie looks like a bunch of toy cars on a playset 'cause they're so pimped.

FNF3=200 cars for $7000000. Also it was filmed in Los Angles not Tokyo.
#35 - Apex
I raced karts when i was a teenager moved on to doing tuning days at circuits in a club car then sprints. and i also learnt how to powerslide and then drift. and spend most of my time on lfs racing in league events. but i also drift and have great respect for it. not everyone on lfs are inexperienced noobs, wether they drift or race.
The FNF 3 ad says 'to win in Toyko drift first you have to loose control'

All I can say is heaven help us :doh:
the good thing about drifting is... that its brutal to cars unless you are very good. so all the wannabe fnf drifters that will pop up after the movie will total their cars
omg.. i was about to like think about comming up with something like this, and the one thing that really makes me mad about all drifters (okay.. maybe not all, but a good 99% of them)

..the BINDS.. ahhhh oh my freaking god its a annoying, the strange color LoLzzzz! and the lollerscates and the Sorry!/My Bad! in strange colors and .. the friggen japanese letters from someone that lives in.. germany and sorts of annoying crappy colored .. junk that everyone pops up on the screen using the F keys like.. 5 billion times.. just incase you didnt see it the first time.. just because they can

drives me insane.. i cant take it
i miss people saying "omghi2u"

nobody says that anymore lol.
no instead you get 1 giant stream of hi/bye

as if.. no one can type 2 letters anymore.. or oh my god.. 1 more letter than hi to say.. bye

i get them all the time.. thats why right when i join those servers i hit - button as fast as possible .. its almost become a game to me to see if any get by me
(XCNuse) DELETED by XCNuse
Why are you so pi**** by the empty phrases? (welcome/goodbye)
I think it's common sense and adult training to greet someone entering/leaving the room.
Fo me it's normal to recognise and greet new guests, as it's sometimes hard to type when in a battle, it's just easier to push the welcome button.

And don't tell me you don't use the smiley buttons, or the apologize button.
When the time has come and I had enough of lfs i use the POWER button...

Quote from Igor-Stallion :I am scared of FNF3...it still wasnt shown here in Croatia...but when that happens...streets would be full of noob "dorfitos"

"Let the bodies hit the floor"
micha.. you want me to post a replay of what im talking about

im not worried about the people that are racing that say hi or smile or something, im talking about the people usually found on drift servers that everyone says Hi/bye in about 50 different languages.. and repeat it several times until you say something or do something

and its fine saying sorry, i have a macro that says sorry! if i do something, but when they hit the macro that says lollerskates or nice dorifto or something about 50 times.. it gets fukin annoying real fast
especially in all the strange colors and letters they use

as for me, i have 4 binds,
F1: =)
F2: sorry!
F7: WR time
F8: my PB

and thats all anyone needs
not 50 that have something to do with laughing in like.. 50 ways..
come on kids, drifting just teaches car control. but some people like to specialize in it, thats all.
im not saying drifting is for loosers or anything, i enjoy drifting every now and then.. i drifted today, its just the people, thats why its "drifters" not.. drifting
Yup, I know what your saying, XCNuse. A simple Hi is sufficient, really no matter what language is native to you. Almost everyone can speak/type English. And the LoooOOOoooZZZZZ!!!!1111!!!11 drives me crazy. And also, just simply say sorry. No need to have a freakin comical sentence binded.

Me, I have 4 buttons binded to chat, Hi, :-), Sorry, and good race. Sometimes I change good race to no problem or good pass. Fkeys I have /w wr, /w pb, and I use to use this on the demo - Caution exiting pit road, racers coming. Even though they would still run out between first and second place taking out the guy in second.
@ XCNuse:

don't want to be rude but why don't you just block messages.

<<< me would like an block ALL ****** messages option like the shift-R (even status, conn, box exit, etc...)

otherwise welcome to babylon...

@ mrodgers (or any other native english-like speaking people):

sure english is an easy language compared to russian (and that you can understand in many different ways), but what is it with you native english speaking peoples arrogance to be always understood when in foreign countrys?

I don't want to offend/accuse anyone here but it occured a few times lately.

lol i do land up hitting the - button quite frequently nowadays hehe
Quote from ajp71 :The FNF 3 ad says 'to win in Toyko drift first you have to loose control'

All I can say is heaven help us :doh:


God, talk about beating something into the ground.

And I can see a lot of car crashes happening after that movie if that's the slogon...
I didn't mean to sound arrogant by that. I was just saying that seeing "Hi" in normal default colors is much easier and can be seen out of the corner of your eye as well as understood by most/all than say "Hi/Salut/Hola/Bonjour/Bye/......" whatever other languages of bye all in multiple colors.

As well as simple "sorry" rather than "Please forgive me, I'll pay for that!" and others that I've seen. Chat for racing should be simple and quick to see. I'm all for sending greetings when joining myself and seeing others joining and saying sorry when something happens. It needs to be kept simple though. And not spammed when you do it.