Interesting read!
First I like to start with a question: Religion is the source of many of our problems, so why are we not teaching all religions in school?
Personal thoughts (engages only me):
When I was young(er) I have been interested in religions and I have been initiated in quite a few, my main problem with them is that they give you a reason to suffer quietly in this life because an hypothetical better one is around the corner, if we all stopped believing most would probably request to make ‘’heaven’’ on earth and that could be a problem for some. Also there seems to be a competition about god with market shares which makes it/him a product/commodity, no way a real god would accept this, it’s so strange.
For my part I always thought I was a believer, but I have been very ill in the 90’s and almost died a couples of times, the only thing that brought me back every time was a strong feeling that there was only this life and nothing behind it, so it became my reason to fight as hard as I could to make it as long as possible, it was not the easy way, so I realized that I had lost my faith because if I would have believed in heaven or in a continuation of some sort I would have signed for it immediately.
We use only a small portion of our brains, the biggest part of it is not fully under our control, so could it be that the god feeling is inside all of us, like in realistic dreams we could have the feeling of a superior presence around us, feels real but it isn’t…or maybe it is

God is a good way to explain what we don’t understand, that’s why science is the enemy because it reduces that considerably (3 main religions says that god created the world about 4000years ago and then we got prove that the dinosaurs walked the earth million years ago) , but still today many scientists find the hands of god behind things like the big bang and we are not close to explain the origin of this one

Food for the digital minded: maybe we are just a big program like the Sims and our pixels are the atoms or the subatomic particles, the programmer could be our god ( with all the problems on hearth now that would explain why angel Scawen had no time for our lfs update).

(sorry for the joke, I couldn’t resist :shrug
I Also like the ancient cosmonauts theory which could explain many things, just us interpreting things we didn't understand with words we knew...
Anyway I think life is about choices and if you chose to believe or not and it works for you, we should all respect that!