Hi, first of all... sorry for my engilsh
I would like to do a little suguestion about performance between NORMAL and HYBRID Tyres.
Since several months ago... I'm running with Normal Tyres in XFG/XRG in BL1 (Front and Rear).
Then... I decide to compare my sets with some Top Time Players sets.
Then I was very surprised when I discover that too much people uses HYBRID tyres in rear wheels in XFG case or 4 hybrid tyres in XRG case.
I use a SETUP ANALYSER PROGRAM to analyze the preformance of the tyres of some sets like WR set for example, comparing the performance and grip between Hybrid and Normal tyres. And the results were very very similar, something that I think that is wrong because the diferrence between these compunds would be more different.
What is the same... Normal tyres have a Grip coeficient of 0'9, and Hybrid tyres have a very very similar coeficient.
As result times with Hybrid tyres are absurd, because a Hybrid tyre can do same even best times in race/qualify than Normal tyres.
This should not be like this since an Hybrid Tyre is not for a full Tarmac race, the tyre must not be able to have so much grip, what is more... Hybrid tyres have a low resistance in tarmac than normal tyres... in consequence the speed in the straight line is higher.
With less resistance and same grip, times are obviously better in race/qualify.
So.... I would like to suggest a little improvement in Normal OR Hybrid tyres to obtain more difference between these two componds. More grip in Normal tyres or less grip in Hybrid tyres.
Thanks for reading, and I wait for your response.
PD: Scawen if you read this, and you whould can reply me... I wish you answer me although only write "OK". Thanks.

I would like to do a little suguestion about performance between NORMAL and HYBRID Tyres.
Since several months ago... I'm running with Normal Tyres in XFG/XRG in BL1 (Front and Rear).
Then... I decide to compare my sets with some Top Time Players sets.
Then I was very surprised when I discover that too much people uses HYBRID tyres in rear wheels in XFG case or 4 hybrid tyres in XRG case.
I use a SETUP ANALYSER PROGRAM to analyze the preformance of the tyres of some sets like WR set for example, comparing the performance and grip between Hybrid and Normal tyres. And the results were very very similar, something that I think that is wrong because the diferrence between these compunds would be more different.
What is the same... Normal tyres have a Grip coeficient of 0'9, and Hybrid tyres have a very very similar coeficient.
As result times with Hybrid tyres are absurd, because a Hybrid tyre can do same even best times in race/qualify than Normal tyres.
This should not be like this since an Hybrid Tyre is not for a full Tarmac race, the tyre must not be able to have so much grip, what is more... Hybrid tyres have a low resistance in tarmac than normal tyres... in consequence the speed in the straight line is higher.
With less resistance and same grip, times are obviously better in race/qualify.
So.... I would like to suggest a little improvement in Normal OR Hybrid tyres to obtain more difference between these two componds. More grip in Normal tyres or less grip in Hybrid tyres.
Thanks for reading, and I wait for your response.
PD: Scawen if you read this, and you whould can reply me... I wish you answer me although only write "OK". Thanks.