And that leads us to the number one question everybody secretly thinks but does not dare to speak loud of...What is happening with new content ? I must clear that i do love lfs for what it is and it has given me countless hours of enjoyment (i was playing it for years on my brothers sim rig).But after over 5 years of waiting for new content all we get is one car and one track ?
And even with the new physics that in my book cannot pass for the s3 "evolution" we all were waiting for.I guess they will definitely update the existing tracks so the higher quality rockingham does not feel out of place but still that does not qualify them as new content.It does reassure that people will continue to play them but still after a couple of weeks everybody will be sick of playing with a ff car and will be sick also of rockinham.(and for what it is worth it is a nice track but not anything special like norchliefe,le mans,isle of man,col de turini (monte carlo),targa florio,magny course ,rouen,lienz are....(all available ofcourse in rf...

Well maybe the devs keep some aces under their sleeves.They may have been working on another 2-3 tracks (real or fantasy it does not matter if they have the quality of the existing tracks) and even have a couple of additional real cars to surprise us.(lfs was used in real life contest to win a bwm m3 and m6 in germany and vw has given the scrirroco so why not having a couple of other vw group cars or bmw group cars too ? ).I do sincerely hope they pull it off.If they update the render engine to dx9 too, with some bloom and hdr lighting and some shader effects lfs will be given some fresh air with many lfs players that left for other sims (rfactor,gtr evo/on,netcar..) comming back as well as many new players that will be attracted to shinier visuals.
I want lfs to succed.Yet the easiest way to make this true is overlooked by the devs and by many people in the lfs community that continue to support to whatever stance lfs devs take.I am talking about user made content and making contest to remake new "real life minus the badges "models for the existing cars and choose the best to have them integrated in the main game.The physics would be left unchanged and the devs would be saved by weeks of modeling.The same contest could be made to have the main tracks updated or even partially remade and the best updates would be integrated in the main game.That would save the devs from months of work.And about people that complain about quality just give a look at LFSMODS.People there have some amazing models and through not perfect keep in mind they made them in a matter of days or at most a week or two having the knowledge that because people have to overwrite their main files most people would not even touch the cars they made no matter how good they are.So imagine given the opportunity to all these people to help the devs and have their work integrated to the main game with a honorable mention in the credits.They would work for weeks non stop to make the most mind blowing incredibly detailed model of the existing cars or tracks....
So please Scawen,Victor and Eric if you do read these posts think and speak about it.I know that your vision for this game is different of rfactor's and that's the reason i talked so many times about making specific contests.People will only make the cars models(exteriors and interiors).Physics will be left untouched.And the same with tracks no new ones will be made if you choose so.Just let people make some great modeling or improving the existing ones and just integrate them.And trust me nobody will ask money or rights and #$@ like that.We are all here because we love the game and we want to help it become the best sim it can be.The only thing people may ask is just a mention in credits...