Drove the FXR the last 2 seasons, this is a fact you have to keep in mind. It leaves you a chance to win only at Fern Bay or South City(and you need to be a 4WD alien nevertheless), but if you have a look at the 2010 season, the championship was played on consistance, not on sheer pace. Being on FXR means you will never get beached on the sand, and means you can almost always save it if you get sideways/get in contact with someone else. This can be a huge advantage in a fight for a good championship position, although it remains clear that winning the championship on FXR is way more difficult than doing so in FZR/XRR.
On another note, I just wanted to point out a small and pointless detail. What about restricting name changes during the season? I can understand one name change in the season, okay, might happen in case of special events. But twice in the season? Looks silly IMO. Especially if it's done for the last round for instance. Not to mention that a team I won't name(it's not that I've anything against them because as I said, I'm ranting on useless details:razz started the season on a squad that changed name like a few rounds later, to finish with another squad that changed name right for the season finale.