The online racing simulator
Some news about Round 6.

Style: Semi's
Joker-Lap: Yes, in the right hander just by the end of SC1.
Line-Start: No
I am happy to annouce i have found a replacement for sundays race. There will be a commentator as usual.
So, like I see, tomorrow is next race? Looking forward to this.
Thats correct Kevin.

The server is changed!

New sever for AARC 2010 is Airattack Rallycross Cup

See you all tomorrow
What time again?Willing to be there anyway
Quote from prOmo_LTU :What time again?Willing to be there anyway

Usual time. 3 hours and 22 minutes from now. Not sure about the UTC time. Welcome!
(KLepind) DELETED by KLepind
(TypeRacing) DELETED by TypeRacing
Hello Racers. 6th Round is passed by. Still there is only complain and arguing in the servers. Why? A jugement is a judgement, stop arguing or you will be banned. Next time i will be MUCH MUCH harder on this, just watch me. Anyhow, we did the Semi-Final system today again, and Nilsson was the only top-3 contenders missing out in it. In the 1st semi we had the champ leader Berglund, wich after two spins, missed out on the Final. On the 2nd semi-final we had Gelin, who after batteling hard, also missed out. In the B-Final Gelin won, and Berglund was 3rd, wich means Gelin tooked 3pts and Bergludn 0pts.
In the A-Final Erlandsson tooked an early lead, and could keep it until last turn, when he was roughly passed by Raudsepp, who incased a Black-Flag.


1.Johan Erlandsson 10P
2.Robin Johansson 8P
3.Alexander Holmström 6P
4.Kevin Lepind 5P
5.Martin Seppam 4P (Retired)
6.Karl Raudsepp (Black-Flag) 3P

1.Mikael Gelin 2P (+1)
2.Jurvanssu (Need your first name) 1P
3.Jonatan Berglund
4.Johan Klingstedt
5.Jens Ask (Retired)
6.Philip Lund (Black-Flag)

Championship Standings After Round 6/11
1.Jonathan Berglund 36P
2.Emil Gustafsson 22P
3.Mikael Gelin 22P
4.Dennis Borgström 18P
5.Robin Johansson 15P
6.Martin Seppam 14P
7.Kevin Lepind 13P
8.Joakim Blixt 11P
9.Johan Klingstedt 11P
10.Juha Hanhikorpi 11P

(The rest is saved in a document, to save space in message)

Team-Standings after Round 5/11
1.GelinRacingTeam 65P (9)
2.Totalt Tvärslut Räjsing 54P (0)
3.WCL 7P (0)
4.Airattack 6P (0)

Next Race: Augusti 1st
Meh. Imo there is no need to give a penalty. Maybe only a little time penalty
But I don't care, at least I had fun and thats why I raced over here.
Quote from TypeRacing :Meh. Imo there is no need to give a penalty. Maybe only a little time penalty
But I don't care, at least I had fun and thats why I raced over here.

I have been slightly depressed after this, as i've lost my sparkle to run this serie. But your post made me happy again, thank you for that!
Damn, 1st place to A-Final and I ruined the race. In last lap, 3rd place was possible, but thanks to crash with Seppam it was gone.

Still happy, cause I earned many extra points.
And oh, Raudsepp. If i would have choosen i would have put you 2nd behind Erlandsson, but the rules are the way they are, and it was a rough pass, if you had let Erlandsson passed again i would not have given you a penalty. Good drive anyway and i hope to see you in other events.
Is there any Demo races left?
Quote from tesnaukki :Is there any Demo races left?

I'm sorry no. Demo felt a little bit boring after one season.
Going to vacation without computer for one week now. Back 18th July. Have an awesome mid-summer.

Hello! Some information about this weekend's race:

Track: Fern Bay 6 (RallyXGreen)
Car(s): XFG, XRG
Type: 3 quals + Finals
Line-Start: Yes
Joker-Lap: No

NEW FOR THIS EVENT: The best RWD car will get +1 bonuspoint. If you are 3rd in C-Final but there is no RWD cars in B or A you will achive this point.

Hope you will join!

Tonights server: Airattack Rallycross Cup (Or search for gelin swe).

See you
Won't make this in time, not home... sorry
Hello mates! Round 8 is finnished and this was a tough round. The A-Final was only fast drivers and it was very exiting. Finally Niklas Eriksson tooked the win ahead of Borgström, and championship-contender Gelin in 3rd. The other two contenders were 5th(Berglund) and 6th(Nilsson) who came from C-Final. Here are the full results:

1.Niklas Eriksson 10P
2.Dennis Borgström 8P (+1 Best RWD)
3.Mikael Gelin 6P
4.Kevin Lepind 5P
5.Jonathan Berglund 4P
6.Emil "Nilsson" Gustafsson 3P (+2)(Runner-Up)

1.Emil "Nilsson" Gustafsson 1P
2.Frans Harrén 2P
3.Philip Lund 1P
4.Marcus Hellgren
5.Ludvig Rydh
6.Linus (Need full name)(Retired)

1.Emil "Nilsson" Gustafsson 1P
2.Jonas Ask (Retired)
3.Jens Ask (Retired)
4.Gabriel Tamm (Black)
5.Tony Rolfsson (Black)
6.Markus Kujanpää (Black)

Championship Standings After Round 8/12
1.Jonathan Berglund 40P
2.Dennis Borgström 29P
3.Mikael Gelin 28P
4.Emil Gustafsson 27P
5.Kevin Lepind 18P
6.Robin Johansson 15P
7.Martin Seppam 14P
8.Niklas Eriksson 14P
9.Juha Hanhikorpi 11P
10.Johan Klingstedt 11P

(The rest in a document)

Team-Standings after Round 8/12
1.GelinRacingTeam 75P (10)
2.Totalt Tvärslut Räjsing 74P (20)
3.WCL 7P (0)
4.Airattack 6P (0)

Next Round: 9.BL2 XRT + FXO - Saturday 25th September
Added +1 Bonuspoint to Borgström for best RWD car as it said in the rules. Sorry for the delay.
Information Round 9:

Run-Style: 2 Quals and Semi-Finals
Track: BL2
Car(s): FXO+XRT
Line-Start: No
Joker-Lap: Yes (Turn 1)

+1 Bonuspoint for the best RWD car.

The time schedule for Round 9 has changed. Instead of 19:00 UTC, the time is 19:30 UTC. Wich is 21:30 Swedish Local time, chech the rest on the link below.

Dont forget it!!!
And the server off course.

[GRT] Rallycross, Password: red
Hello racers! Round 9 just finnished. This was a good event, much less arguing and hard driving. And MANY awesome fights on the track. We were very short of people, but that didnt stop the drivers from fighting it hard. Our champ-leader Berglund missed out on A-Final and Nilsson and Gelin had a life-line closing the gap to the GRT driver. They were 1st and 2nd with Nilsson in the lead when dissaster stroke. Gelin hitted Nilsson wich spun, and threw Gelin into the wall. Gelin was black-flagged (first one EVER) and Nilsson finnished "only" 2nd. Here are the full results:

1.Steven Bossard 10P
2.Emil "Nilsson" Gustafsson 8P (+1 Bonus pt for best RWD)
3.Karl Raudsepp 4P
4.Hans-Anders Braenden 3P
5.David Rigglöv (Retired) 2P
6.Mikael Gelin (Black-Flag) 1P

1.Jonathan Berglund 2P (+1 Bonus)
2.Alexander Holmström 1P
4.Philip Lund (Did Not Start)
5.Tom Hellström (Did Not Start)

Championship Standings After Round 9/12
1.Jonathan Berglund 43P
2.Emil Gustafsson 36P
3.Mikael Gelin 31P
4.Dennis Borgström 29P
5.Kevin Lepind 18P
6.Robin Johansson 15P
7.Martin Seppam 14P
8.Niklas Eriksson 14P
9.Joakim Blixt 11P
10.Juha Hanhikorpi 11P

(The rest saved in a document to save space)

Team-Standings after Round 8/12
1.Totalt Tvärslut Räjsing 85P (11)
2.GelinRacingTeam 81P (6)
3.WCL 7P (0)
4.Airattack 6P (0)

Next Event: Parallell Sprint - All Cars - Friday 29th October (Info will come soon)
(Gelin SWE) DELETED by Gelin SWE : no thank you
Now the information for Round 10 is avaible.


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Open and - 1.1 KB - 707 views
The track is now avaible for free practise. Enjoy it, and if you have the pace, annouce yourself to me, and compeet on a level footing!

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BL2_parallell 2.lyt - 3.7 KB - 610 views