Quote from dawesdust_12 :... but it's not gay unless balls touch.

It's not gay if balls touch, it's only gay if you like the fact that the balls are touching. But even then, you're still banging a chick, so really it should be "It's not bi unless you enjoy balls touching."
Quote from Shotglass :i dont think you can get pregnant from swallowing

No shit sherlock. You can't, but that was not my point. You can get an infection if you have an open sore in your mouth.

Quote from Becky Rose :I agree with you the EMT nutcase was a bit self righteous (I rarely look at usernames especially when browsing on my mobile) - but I disagree with your reasoning.

I don't think I've ever been called a nut case on the internet, that's a new title for me. On the other note, yeah, but for once I'd like to get some good information to the people who ask it. Then the you rib him all you want.

Quote from logitekg25 :tbh i dont mind the "piss" i recieved..but the answers when i was paranoid would have been nice before that

Atta boy.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Shit man, it's already turning red and bubbly. What do i do!?

You have a condition called ... ****ed, it's very rare and your very dead. But first your dick shoots fire. That is not to say it burns when you pee, I mean flames will come out of your dick. You'll set the cat on fire if you aim it in the wrong direction at the wrong time.

Quote from Klutch :i think most people have type 1 though

i was more aiming at the going to get an aids test due to your ex haha

Today in class we went over STDs, it's apart of the Infections Diseases Lecture, and the doctor told the class that 100% of us had Type 1. So I just leared something intresting about that Doctor.

Quote from Becky Rose :I took a sports injury some years back and was bleeding when a friend who knew I was waiting for an AIDS test told the medic that I did have AIDS (as he knew I had infected blood mingle with my own). What I experienced in terms of treatment - even though it was for a minor abbrassion - was a real eye opener. I only got a small taste of what life is like but it was something of an awakening to find myself bandaging myself up. That's when things began to hit home that I might have to live with that condition for the rest of a much shorter life.

That's some bullshit on the Medics part. We know better, BSI is fine and dandy because frankly it's there to protect you from us and you from our other patients. Not to mention not contaminating your whole body with blood from one wound making it look like some one killed you because I touched a GSW and then took my bloodied gloves and moved them all around your body placeing blood on everything I touched. It freaks out the doctors when you do that shit and you come in to the ER. But I digress. AIDS is not easily transmitted, even with skin to blood contact providing there are no open sores. So that's a load of crap on the medic part and should be ashamed of themself for not providing proper care.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :So gys, I've been puking for the past few hours and have a stuffed nose.

Do I have an STI or STD?

No, you have the flu. Suck it up.

Quote from Becky Rose :Unless it's meningitis.

Speaking of ****ed up diseases to have.

Quote from Becky Rose :Not everyone you meet is honest and usually sex comes a long way before really getting to know someone - so by the time you realise you're dating the county bicycle you've already oiled the chain (and the harness, cuffs, and Spartacus the Mighty Dildo).

Sing it sister! We have all been there.

Quote from DTrott :Also I had one of those tests they do around colleges and got a free glow in the dark sperm!

Where do I sign up for that, that's a ****ing party trick right there.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Would you ever be involved in DPing a girl with another dude?

**** no.

On another note, I wonder if there is a swear filter limit. Like if it has to replace x amount of items because they are swears you get banned.
you dont need an open sore to get ghonorhea?

but you just need to blow like 9 guys in a month for that?

not sure about that..thats why i put question marks.
Quote from logitekg25 :you dont need an open sore to get ghonorhea?

but you just need to blow like 9 guys in a month for that?

not sure about that..thats why i put question marks.

So that's what you've been doing.. Also,

Dygear. Learn to take some jokes in this thread man, You post took up half the page flaming people that were making jokes, Once again I say; Chill the **** down, It's the internet.
Quote from logitekg25 :
but you just need to blow like 9 guys in a month for that?

sounds like a new chapter to the saga I'm sure everyone would love to hear this
I hope he pleads the 5th when someone asks hahaha
I'd hate to see logiteks take on the Kama Sutra.
I'd draw it.. but I'm at work.

Later guys.. you'll see some genius
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
Quote from Osco :Draw what? Wood?

Wouldn't be a self portrait then. Which means using google.
if a guy has ghonnorhea he can give it to a girl, right? but that std is formed by blowing a bunch of guys, is that wrong?
Yes. Blowing a bunch of guys as a man is very wrong.
Quote from DevilDare :Yes. Blowing a bunch of guys as a man is very wrong.

thats where ur wrong... some men think its right. and its their choice. not everyone thinks the same

Damn! The media got to me.
well no one moans girl with girl but they do when man n man
i meant anyone blowing a bunch of guys is how...eh i quit
Quote from BreadC :well no one moans girl with girl but they do when man n man

What are you suggesting?

Are you coming out of the closet?

Quote from DevilDare :What are you suggesting?

Are you coming out of the closet?

ahaha yeh i never been in a closet, too fat kthxbai
Quote from BreadC :ahaha yeh i have been in the closet, too fat to get out kthxbai

fixed it for ye
Quote from BreadC :physics says no.. coz if u cant get in u cant get out.

pwnt kthxbai

yeah, but lifes a game... and your a poorly dezigned konami creature which can spawn anywhere ( this case a closest )

too bad it wasnt mac donalds eh ??

Quote from theirishnoob :yeah, but lifes a game... and your a poorly dezigned konami creature which can spawn anywhere ( this case a closest )

too bad it wasnt mac donalds eh ??

Then he could just spawn back out it ya wallaper.
Quote from 91mason91 :Then he could just spawn back out it ya wallaper.

he isnt in control though, the games dezigner is.

since their all Japfagz wanking to Rape porn all day long they are too busy to notice what their doing, he has no control over the situation ( nor do we actually... )
Quote from brandons48 :This. (Damn I'm quoting you alot recently, perhaps you're the one with all the wisdom, not AMB..)

If you can read this whole thread, and not see the jokes, you need a SERIOUS humour check.

I don't know why you're doing that.. And yes I totally have ALL wisdom.

Amb is gone anyway.
Quote from TehPaws3D :I don't know why you're doing that.. And yes I totally have ALL wisdom.

Amb is gone anyway.

There is a god!