93./94. lap von #219 (ev0lutionsbremse)
Split 4 -> 1 (über Start/Ziel)
#225 will #219 (uns) überrunden.
#219 fährt auf der Geraden ganz links und #225 überholt rechts, fährt dann allerdings ohne erkennbaren Grund zu #219 nach links herüber und rammt den Wagen. (Absicht?!)
#219 - M. Schnieders that scene is for sure a thing, that is not needed in such a race. It is understandable that 225 was a angry with 219 after they were blocked several times, but we will penalize such a scene if we see it. 20 seconds penalty
They blocked me for I dont know how long, when they were under blue flag. You can see clearly that they take the inside again down the straight, to block the leader (or 2nd, cant remember). I gave them a note, that he has to let me pass now. (something that worked) :P Yeah, not a good move, but when someone a lap behind is blocking you that intentionaly, over such a long period, you get angry at them.