reletivity: 1second at work can seem like a hour. a hour with a smoking hot girl can seem like a second.
and to tehpaws- i was only joking man. calm down. as i say, women to me get treated same as men unless it one you love. i am no atall sexist and if it my coment hurt you then i sincerly apologise i mean it no harm.
Yeah, I actually had that happen, The doctors screwed up and Since I have 20 - 5 vision, And I have LP ( Light perception " Blindness " ) Problems in my left eye, Basically like looking through smoked glass constantly. (Dunno the actual numbers )
They read the tests wrong ( Dunno how in hell ) And gave me glasses for 0-20 or something extremely high, Let me tell you, That was the closest thing to zoom you could ever achieve, I saw the curvature of Venus.. THOUGH THE SUN!
But yeah, Now I use contacts which were wonky for the longest time ( Couldn't see shit, Could look up the skirt of a German woman from mars, It sucked ass. ) But now I can!
It just comes out of me, Work combined with boyfriend can make a particularly wacky combo.
Thank you, I'm a litaturist and a old spice woman. ( I just made a word up, But that's OK! I'm badass. )
You fools. It's Happens does shit. Happens has already had shit happen, There is no way for shit to happen to something that's already had shit happened, And if it happens, It must happen, There for it is happens does shit.
In a slightly more layman-friendly example, they've also sent atomic clocks on high-speed flights for a few hours and on their return found they've been running a tiny, but significant amount slower compared to clocks that remained on the ground. It's certainly a definite, tangible effect.