You should read the whole post
I'm glad that you understand it, maybe you even understood that something is happening about the update. The last part (that this is my opinion) obviously slipped by you
The number of my posts says enough about how much i care about many useless opinions
This one was an exception and I wrote it just to see how many bumps will I get. One is enough.
Even 6 months ago, I thought that LFS is perfect and that I will always stick with it. But now, Slovenian lfs community is practicaly dead, I started a wtcc season in Race On and I'm having fun. I still race on our server and in FRL but slowly moving elsewhere because I hate driving alone
My point is: stop writing useless c**p and do something else while waiting. That is, if the current version of LFS is not enough
That is my opinion and if it bothers you, do whatever you like. I know that there will still be a lot of c***y posts and that I wont change a thing. Sometimes it just feels good to say something.
Over and out for quite some time
Many kids will loose their faith in Santa if they won't get the patch out on Christmas eve,so it's no more only LFS, it's worldwide problem now, Santa Claus's reputation is on the table...