This new version does not add any new panels, but allows configuration of the TS3 delay - the time for which the last TS3 speaker is displayed. But that is a minor thing. The more important update lies somewhere else.
For some time already I did not like Aonio's behavior during qualification/practice, because the (racing) field panel was simply empty, no data at all. Aonio 1.4.1 changes this and adds support for Q/P mode, at least in the field panel.
When qualification/practice is started, the field panel changes mode and shows currently known best laps of all connected people. During hotlapping, it shows differences to best splits of other people, gains or losses. Car types are also shown and your (or any viewed driver) current position (per car category) and advance through the qualification table as well.
I myself consider this a very useful addition, hopefully you'll be of similar opinion.

There's currently just one unresolved issue, something is probably wrong in car takeover routine, making, as one report pointed out, all data disappear after takeover. I was not checking this myself, if you have any additional info, please forward it to me. Thanks and enjoy!