Did you get a valid Ident Key from LFSW? This normally happens when it is unable to connect with LFSW or more than one request (from the same PC) made to LFSW the within 5 seconds. See Tarpitting in LFSW - My LFSW settings - Pubstats
I have spare complain :P
If you open www.host.com/setupstation/includes with your browser you can get sql login & password.
So i create .htaccess file at includes directory:
<Files *>
Order Deny, Allow
Deny from ALL
OK. I have tried it on my localhost and ISP, both deny access without the .htaccess file they are running php 4.4.1 & 4.3 respectively must be a config setting. I will look into adding the .htaccess file.
I'm trying to test your Setup Station on my PC (I'm using XAMPP).
The database is setup correctly and all the options are set, but when I try to login for the first time as admin, the login screen just reloads and nothing else happens. No error messages occur.
It sounds like the redirection is not happening properly. Have you completed the installation as per the manual Page 3 found in Documents folder?
If I installed the setupstation on localhost in a folder called station then
var $domain should be : var $domain = "http://localhost/station"
It seems that everything is installed properly. The domain variable is set correctly, the database contains 5 tables for cars, fuel, setups, tracks, and users.
I have other homepages locally installed which are using PHP and which work correctly.
I can only think, that it might be some problem with the mysql database connection, but then there should be an error message, right? (mysql host, user and pw are set correctly in page.class.php)
Maybe I should test the MySQL-stuff with another homepage ...
Beause the Login page reloads it appears to be querying the database, and it is at this point it is redirecting to another page. I had the same problem when it was not able to find the page redirecting too. Try using Firefox and it should tell you the page being redirected to may not load.
Is the istallation of XAMPP using PHP 5.x? If so then I know version 5 handles classes differently. The station has been tested on version 4.3 to 4.4.1 as this range is used by alot of ISP's.
Yes, I'm pretty sure this is the case. Does this mean I have to downgrade to version 4.x or will there be a fix someday?
I will test it soon and tell you the results ...
EDIT: I used the XAMPP tool to switch back to PHP "4.4.1 -pl1" but nothing changed. Reload and nothing after login as "admin". Am I really the only one having such problems?
I've found another error in your setup station and can provide a quick&dirty fix.
The triggers for phpMyEdit are only called if you use the original english translation of your script. I'll show you why using the addmember trigger as an example:
The value of the buttons does of course change if you use another translation. In german for example, the value of the "Save" button is "Speichern", the value of the "More" button is "Speichern, weiteren Datensatz hinzufügen". This problem can be avoided by simply using "More", "Save" etc. pp. as keys for the language array of phpMyEdit. I think at the time the triggers are called there is a PMELang-array defined somewhere, but I didn't have time to search it so I created my own using this part of code:
St4Lk3R Thanks for spotting that. Both PME and I have different language files. I should have realised that the triggers would use the PME language fileillepall . I left my laptop at work so will look at resolving this over the next couple of days. It shouldn't be that hard I know where to get the file from and use the correct translated words
The track AU4 should already be in and all the rallyX tracks are there. If you want to add these tracks to your version then you can. Use the admin pages. See the manual. Track Table menu option
OK. The reason it is not in the list is because most teams will use only the main tracks, even Team Inferno do not include BL3 in their list
I will think about including it it the next update.
A new version has been uploaded in the first post.
This corrects the issue spotted by St4Lk3R in the post of 25th June and also changes the way the version number is displayed.