I have a close friend who maintains that he has never had any regrets, but I think it's his single biggest flaw. Anybody who says they don't regret anything either hasn't lived much of a life or isn't being honest with themselves.
but none is just trying to pretend everything is perfect, and having no realization for what you should have done. and if it happens again, you will likely do the same thing.
and i love how you took EXACTLY the part of my post that i knew people would take the wrong way, and leave out the part that clarified :doh:
well you gotta learn from your mistakes. I've learnt that I haffto be a lot more respectful in life if I want anything to work. I also learnt I can't be complacent and expect people to be there, as they won't. Sure I regret the things I did now, but it's because I wish I could have done it differently, for my own good, and the other persons own feelings. However.. gotta play the hand you're dealt, and make the best of it.
I think it's more a matter of outlook. I certainly live much more in the moment than most people I know. I take my lessons with me but I leave the past behind.
I think if you love the person you are there's no need to regret anything, and if you don't love the person you are then you really ought to find a way to do so - because if you can't love yourself then how can you expect anyone else too?
I disagree. I think if you don't regret anything then you are not admitting that you have made mistakes, and I don't know anyone who hasn't made numerous serious ****-ups.
Having no regrets is not saying you've never made mistakes.
I like to believe i have no regrets, but with that being said i know i've made plenty of stupid decisions an bad mistakes. At the time of the stupid decision ive gone "shit...i wish i could re-do that"
but over time i've adapted the whole "Eh, life lesson. Live and learn"
I like to think everything happens for a reason
I dont disagree with your statement, I just have a different outlook. I know i've made mistakes, plenty of them. Some of them even in and around this community, I just dont consider them regrets.
For me a regret is something you wish you could change, and I think it's far more important to have learned whatever lesson and to have become a better person than to mull over events that have already happened.
There are things I would do differently, but I dont wish I could change them because out of those mistakes I became me.
It's not that me and your non-regretful friend havnt made mistakes. It's simple a case that we have a different, for less emo, more forward thinking personal philosophy and maybe regard ourselves with a little more self worth.
Don't get me wrong I wasnt always this way. I used to think like you did, I used to regret some of the worst mistakes of my life and some things I couldn't change or had no control over even at the time but that happened and I didnt like them and I wanted to somehow magically fix them. I couldn't, and I couldn't get past those things until emotionally until I accepted they had happened, and once I did I realised that the experiences had taught me lessons and grown me as a person and gradually, over time, I found myself quite liking the person I became.