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Relationships should be banned until the age of 21 when anyone actually knows what they want to do, and who they want to be with for the rest of their lifes.

There was a suitably witty quote for just such a moment but I forgot just as I went to type it. :sadbanana
Quote from S14 DRIFT :the age of 21 when anyone actually knows what they want to do, and who they want to be with for the rest of their lifes.

[Austin Powers Voice]Rrrright...[/Austin Powers Voice]
well i am 26 so thats me sorted haha, although she is only 20 so hmmm, who knows.
Quote from jibber :[Austin Powers Voice]Rrrright...[/Austin Powers Voice]

Seriously what girl at 17 or 18 truely knows what she wants...I do but then I'm a)neither a girl, b)am 19 (HUUGE DIFFERENCE) and c)a very strange person who has ones life planned out already. If a girl can't pick her favorite Jedward then what ****ing hope do we have?

Only that last year to go Dan where she could leave you (hope not though, or I might have to come up there and make you happy again!) but as soon as she hits 21, YOU IN THERE PLAYA.
I really hope this is the case mate, i really do.

its like another level (not dane bowers!) with her, its almost like an addiction (if that kind of makes sense) im the old junkie and she is my drug, im just totally hooked on her, its very hard to explain.
It's OK mate you don't have to explain, I was the same before with my ex (not going there) but with the girl I'm with right now, I'm not as addicted to her but I love her more, cause while I need/miss/desire her I understand that unfortunately we can't spend all our time with one person. You are probably well ontop of that hehe I'M TIRED bed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :
Only that last year to go Dan where she could leave you (hope not though, or I might have to come up there and make you happy again!) but as soon as she hits 21, YOU IN THERE PLAYA.

Do you seriously believe this crap or are you high on something? Dude, what. the. ****.

Seriously though, alot of girls don't actually know what they want until they're at an age when they've matured enough to understand that what you want in a partner is someone who is reliable and dependable, not some baseball cap wearing knobend who goes clubbing and flirts outrageously with every girl possible. Generally between the ages of 16 and 21 most girls are into the above, after which point they mature enough and realise that their boyfriend is never going to move out of his mother's council house and so they find someone else.

Obviously that's a very thick line that I've painted and there are plenty of women who mature well below (and well above!) that particular age.
I agree with drifty there TBH, i know some 18 or 19 year old girls that have their head much more screwed on with regard to maturity than other girls well into their 20's, but then again i know lads like it too, so i guess it works for either.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Seriously what girl at 17 or 18 truely knows what she wants...I do but then I'm a)neither a girl, b)am 19 (HUUGE DIFFERENCE) and c)a very strange person who has ones life planned out already. If a girl can't pick her favorite Jedward then what ****ing hope do we have?

Depends on how you look at it, realistically speaking relationships come and go from whenever you decide to start. If you want a progressive fulfilled career then yes, you're more than likely right.

Every relationship is different from what I've been part of, and as cliche as it is, it's because everyone is different. I make no efforts to control relationships other than let them flow because in doing so this is how you find out what that person actually wants, and if you're both mutually right for each other. Right now I'm very happy with my girlfriend, she's amazing and the differences we have only make us closer, and it's all happened what I can only explain as naturally, she is 18 and I'm 22.

If you find a girl that you'd consider your best friend, I'd not hesitate and try and make something bigger come of that. My sister went out with her fiance for bits at a time all the way back from when they were in primary school and they are still together now at the age of 24. She was engaged at 17 and probably be married by now if thier plans weren't so damn extravagant. I know this is a (very) rare case but just to put forward relationships aren't so linear as to suggest age is such a huge factor.
Quote from spacedskunk :
If you find a girl that you'd consider your best friend, I'd not hesitate and try and make something bigger come of that.

Precisely whats on with me ATM mr skunk, we literally know eachother inside out, she probably knows me better than i know myself, scary stuff, this is all very new terratory for me, a trip into the unknown!
Quote from danthebangerboy :Precisely whats on with me ATM mr skunk, we literally know eachother inside out, she probably knows me better than i know myself, scary stuff, this is all very new terratory for me, a trip into the unknown!

Just let it flow and grow, if you were very good friends before you decided to make something more of it the main thing that can potentially spoil it is if there is something different to how you act in a relationship scenario to just being friends.
Cheers guys
havent been in any type of relationship since i was...16 O_O
feels good though

Quote from S14 DRIFT :Relationships should be banned until the age of 21 when anyone actually knows what they want to do, and who they want to be with for the rest of their lifes.

Quote from S14 DRIFT :Seriously what girl at 17 or 18 truely knows what she wants...

Shes 22.
Also since this is a "Post your girlfriend" thread, not a "post your relationship in great depth" thread.

shes a little plain in the peircing department due to work, but that will change soon.
Only one she has is tongue at the moment.
But she has two tats :3

not bad klutch, good luck
she has crazy eyes,dont do it !
Quote from logitekg25 :not bad klutch

im not sure if thats a compliment or not coming from you

but thanks lol
Quote from e2mustang :she has crazy eyes,dont do it !

Too late.
And dude, you have no idea :P
hehe its a good thing

I agree, she has slightly crazy eyes - but I've always been drawn to that. haha

She's cute, mate. Glad to hear things have worked out for ya
You guys are the crazy ones, those eyes are awesome.
Your post needs a "Like" button.
My penis needs a like button tattooed adjacent to it.
I dare you.
I have reacquired my virginity. Life is simple again but I may need a bad haircut again to look the part.

I had a date this weekend and it was fail. Leaving my quite seriously annoyed with the numerous and inconsistent requirements of women.

Head cannot take any more. Head is simple coffee drinking device, does not like strange cruel women.
Quote from PMD9409 :I dare you.

I think it'd be the only tattoo I could live with myself for.. if only for pure humour.

Also: I met a girl when I was reffig, we've hit it off well. That's about all to report

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
(5206 posts, started )