I appreciate that Nathan, I think you just took it in a different tone than that of which I was meaning it, being a mate and all (plus me being me) I'm surprised you took me seriously! Perhaps not enough smilies?
Then again, I don't drink and all of my money goes on accomodation and bills, similar to you, and FYI it was £8797.45
But if you were to call me a monumental for buying it I would agree. I could have bought and insured any manner of cars, Clio Sport 182, Honda Civic Type R's or an S2000 (my dream car), etc etc, for the same price that it cost to buy and insure my bike. Perhaps if I had a driving license at the time, I would have done that!
Even though I am considering PX'ing or selling my bike, I'd get £6000 for it and know I would regret it so I'll keep it for at least another year, or two, or three..
On the subject of wax, they did a test on 5th gear which showed that a drive through car wash is better than a handwash, so that's £5 well spent!