Precisely, pretty much how i was going to respond to devildares post.
I know its not really the right thing to do, and i never set out to fall for my mates GF and i do feel bad for doing so, because he is a good friend of mine, but if you fall in love with someone, theres nothing you or anyone else can say or do to stop it, it just happens, once you start falling, everything else goes out the window.
I just had to, rightly or wrongly, let her know, and now i have, i do feel like shite because she is all i really wanted and the outcome wasn't really what i was hoping for, but at the same time i strangely feel a little bit better in a way because im not carrying this around on my own anymore thinking does she feel the same or not, because she knows now, we know where we stand with eachother now.
I know people would say well sort of friend are you supposed to be if you were gonna steel his girlfriend, but just throw love in the mix and its not as simple as that, not at all, and would i feel guilty if we had got together, i would have felt bad for him, yes, but guilty, no.